
Yes it sounds like a strong word for business… and it is! Stay committed to win.

Matt Henderson (00:01):
Hey everyone and welcome back to the Business Mind Podcast. It’s Matt, I’m happy to have you with me today because we’re going to talk about commitment.

Matt Henderson (00:09):
I’m Matt from the Business Mind Podcast. I just wanted to let you know a quick little tip. So the way that I’ve been doing all these podcasts is this cool app, or you can get it on your desktop as well. It’s called It’s got to be the easiest way to make a podcast because they give you everything you need in one place and they do it for free. So it’s pretty awesome because I’m currently doing all this right from my phone, but when I’m at home and I have a few minutes, I pop on the computer and it’s got so many awesome tools and everything to edit and you can do sound effects and all sorts of other really cool things that I haven’t been taking advantage of. But I suggest that you do. They even distribute the podcast for me. I don’t have to figure out where to put it.

Matt Henderson (00:53):
They popped it on Spotify for me. You can get it on the apple podcast, Google podcast, and a whole bunch of others. But the nicest part is, while you’re getting your podcast out there, you can also monetize and you can easily make a little bit of money from doing the podcast with minimal listenership. So get online, download the anchor app on your phone, or you can go to and you can get started on it today. All right, so check it out once again, Matt, from the Business Mind Podcast, so excited that you guys decided to take the time and listen. And when you’re ready to get your podcast going check out the Again, Matt, from the business mind podcast have a great day.

Matt Henderson (01:38):
So I’m so glad you guys are back. We have been talking about some major things in business and today’s is brought up because I’m currently mentoring someone who I’m watching struggle with this and it put it into perspective for me because I was here. Okay. And I’ll tell you it was a huge problem for me. And when I say commitment, I know everyone’s going to think, well, what does this have to do with commitment? I’m committed to my relationships. I’m committed to my family. I’m committed to a bunch of stuff, but what does it have to do with this? Well, in this case, I’m talking about commitment because the issue is most people that I’m seeing are struggling or failing, or just not getting to the point in business or in their jobs and careers that they need. It typically is coming down to a commitment problem.

Matt Henderson (02:33):
Now I’m going to use an example and I’m hoping that he’s listening because I’m ready to have the discussion with him. But the student I’m mentoring, we’ve been discussing his commitment. And by commitment, I mean more the lack of the commitment. Now I’m not saying it to beat this person up. No way at all, by doing this. I’m actually making this podcast so they understand. Because business and growth in your career and your job and even your personal life, right? It requires a level of commitment. Now I didn’t start to notice any sort of growth in my personal life until I made a full commitment. Meaning that the first time I hit a wall, or some kind of road block, or what have you, I wasn’t going to back down. Now, that sounds like something people would think is probably obvious, but it’s not.

Matt Henderson (03:30):
Let me tell you, most of us when we hit that wall, we hit that little road bump. What do we do? You say, well, I knew this wouldn’t work. I had a feeling this wasn’t the right thing for me. I knew this was too good to be true. It’s your reason for an excuse. It’s what you use as your excuse. And I say it because I’ve done it myself. I sat there and said, oh, I’m fully committed. Everything’s going great. I’m going to make this all work. But then the first roadblock I hit or maybe it wasn’t the first one, maybe it was the second thing I hit. I just would back off. And I’d say well, I kind of knew this wasn’t going to work. I kind of knew this was like a scam. Yeah, I thought this wasn’t necessarily going to be something that worked out for me because you know, those guys were successful because they are already famous or they have a social media following that’s 10,000 times mine.

Matt Henderson (04:27):
And I would make up every excuse that I could find to say why it wasn’t my fault that the job, the business, the career path, anything… I would do anything to put something else in place of me being the reason that it didn’t work. And you know, all that is, is just a lack of commitment. Because the second that I decided, no matter what, like quite literally, no matter what I am going to accomplish this goal. And the first time it happened, I had purchased a course. And it was one of my first courses that I purchased. And I went through and ran through the whole course and I executed it and then I kept executing it. And then it wound up at about a year and a half, I started to see failure. But it was the first time that I’d made it that far down the line into a totally new venture and then seen failure.

Matt Henderson (05:27):
But in the first couple of months, I started noticing I was pushing back. And I was saying well, maybe this isn’t right for me because of X, Y, or Z. I have to purchase too much product. I have to be out and about at different stores all the time. And I made up all these excuses. But what I did was every time I would say one of these excuses, which would typically just be in my head I would be making the excuses, I would train myself to then say well, it doesn’t matter, I’m going to do it anyway. And I would push right through the obstacle, because the obstacle wasn’t the problem. That was definitely not the problem. The problem was my level of commitment. It just wasn’t there. I just wasn’t committing like other people commit. And it wasn’t until, like I said, I started making those full commitments to things and to my life that I started to see the big changes happen.

Matt Henderson (06:28):
I committed for a year. I was going to read as many books as I could possibly read in order to further my personal education, my business education. And my goal was to read at least 50 books, because I read at some point that Warren Buffet reads approximately 50 odd books a year. I don’t even know. But approximately a book a week he reads. And I thought, well, if that’s how the smartest man or one of the richest investors in the world, if that’s how he got there, then that’s how I’ll get there. So I decided that’s what I would do. I’m going to read a book a week for a year. And I did it. I actually I read like 52 or 53 books that year.

Matt Henderson (07:12):
And you know it gave me a totally different look on my life, in my businesses, and what I was doing. But what it really taught me was commitment. It taught me that committing to a long term goal had its own level of success to it. And I didn’t gain a business from that year of reading books. I actually just gained so much knowledge that I felt comfortable going and doing more business. So it wasn’t that it told me what business was going to be right for me, which is actually when I went into it that’s what I thought would happen. I would figure out my path through these books and to an extent it did a little bit. But it wasn’t till I hit my 52nd book that something struck. Now I read 50 plus books.

Matt Henderson (08:02):
And that’s why I found my path. Or was it that by reading 50 books, I found my path? No, not really. I mean, I just made a commitment that I was going to grow my lifestyle. I was going to grow in business. I was going to be the smartest person that I could be about business. And once I made that micro commitment of okay every day I’m just going to read. It’s part of my daily routine, things have changed. But it wouldn’t have happened without the commitment. Now I brought up my mentee earlier and said how he was struggling and that it was a lack of commitment. And I just wasn’t sure how he was dealing with the commitment levels. And what I found is he’s like most people, and he is trying to take the shortcuts in everything. In business, in health, and life and fitness.

Matt Henderson (09:06):
And he’s trying to take the shortcuts. And that’s just it, there aren’t any shortcuts. There aren’t any shortcuts. If you want to get to the finish line, the only way to get there and feel success is by running the whole race, you could start the run but maybe you won’t finish. Maybe you don’t make it there, but that’s how it is. You have to commit fully and then you’ll see the success you’re looking for. Now is it going to be an overnight thing? Absolutely not. It won’t be. I’m sorry, if you were looking for me to tell you that it’s just not. I’m not going to lie to you. You’re not going to be an overnight success. If you work hard and you stay committed to something, it might seem to others as though you became an overnight success, because maybe the last time they saw you or spoke to you about what’s going on in your life.

Matt Henderson (10:02):
You were nowhere near where you are because you had no level of commitment. But now that you’ve changed the way you do things. Now that you’ve changed your life and you’ve changed your lifestyle and you’ve committed. The next time you see your friends, your family, whoever it is, they’re going to see something. They’re going to say, you seem different. They’re going to say, wow, how’d you get your business going so well? What did you do? What did you put into it? What was the big thing? What was the turnaround? You know what you’re going to say? I committed to it.

Matt Henderson (10:35):
Cause that’s all it actually takes is just committing. Because nobody’s committing, especially now with the pandemic and stuff going on. I know it’s a difficult time for everybody, but let’s be honest. You have to commit if you want to see change. If you don’t commit, you’re not going to see change. So that’s it, I don’t need to go any further with this today. I don’t need to beat up what it is to be committed, but that’s what it is in life. That’s what’s holding everyone back. So push forward, be different, be the one that commits. I’ll talk to you guys again soon, it’s Matt from the Business Mind Podcast.