Do you believe?

Achieving you goals and success has one consistent thing. Belief is the only way to be successful.

Matt Henderson (00:02):

Everyone welcome back to the Business Mind Podcast. This is Matt. Happy new year. Congratulations, you made it to 2021. We all made it through. That’s why today we’re going to talk about belief.

All right, welcome back. So I’m really excited to have you because we have to start this year out, right? Because we all went through last year. We don’t even need to rehash it, this is a difficult year. So let’s start out 2021 with a different angle on things. And it’s not in the angle, it’s really [inaudible 00:02:02] understanding. And the understanding has to be your belief. Now, I know it sounds a little bit broad, but stick with me here for a second. I know the one of the aspects that’s holding everyone back from doing the things that they want to do. Now, being a business person, starting your own companies, whatever it is, growing yourself at your current job, finding a new job, whatever it is, right? I know one thing that’s holding you back and it is belief.

Now, what do I mean exactly by belief? I mean, do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in the thing that you’re going after? Do you believe in your job? I was at jobs in the past where, it was one of my earlier jobs, where I was told selling was a massive part of the job. Now, I learned this only after being at the company for a few months, they kind of changed the job description. And then they talked to us and said, so listen, this is what it is. If you don’t sell, you don’t make it to the next level at the job. Now, the thing was I fully, fully believed in the rest of the company, everything we were doing there, and I believed that they were above other people, I believed that I was part of something larger, but when it came to the selling aspect for the company, I didn’t believe in what they were selling as a side product. That’s all it was. It wasn’t their main product, it was just a side product. But if you weren’t selling their side product then you would not progress through the company.

So I had to, at a very young age, learn to sell things that I didn’t necessarily believe in. And that was the same time that I started to understand belief. And I’m not going to lie, I became pretty good at selling things that I didn’t necessarily believe in, but it was because I only sold beliefs that I did agree with. Now, what does that mean? I wasn’t selling the product the way that everyone else at the company was selling it. I was selling the few aspects of the product that I believed in. So it was enough to definitely get me promoted pretty quickly because I took a different angle. I took myself out of the red ocean that everybody else was selling in and I put myself into a blue ocean where I was the only person selling that way.

But ultimately, it was one of the biggest factors of me leaving that company. I didn’t believe in what was going on there. Now, over the years, have I bounced back and forth to different companies and whatnot? Absolutely. And the ones that I didn’t believe in, I didn’t stay with that long. Because what happened was I floundered internally. I just didn’t want to be there. I woke up everyday thinking, I can’t believe I have to go back there and do this again. And these weren’t even sales jobs, they were just other jobs but it just seemed once the belief in the company was lost, I didn’t have that driving, forcing me every morning to get up and get in there and just crush the day.

And that’s what held me back at all of those places is because I just didn’t believe after a time period, because maybe the parameters had changed, maybe somebody told me I had to start selling something that I didn’t necessarily believe in. And I hadn’t figured out how I was going to do that yet. Or maybe the company just didn’t align with me personally and where I saw myself going in life long term. And that’s all part of growing in life and growing you as a person and where you move to. You have to believe in what you’re doing. So I see it all the time, I see people who… I even get asked by my mentors and staff, what kind of business should I start? What kind of things should I sell? What should I do online?

And my answer is always the same, well, what do you believe in? What do you use every day? What do you do every day? What’s your core value? What are your beliefs? And at times, I don’t think it resonates completely because I hadn’t made this episode so that people could listen to it. But if you don’t believe in what you’re doing and you just pick something, be it a business, pick a job just because the pay is right, or maybe the location was right, or I don’t know, it was an easy business to start. If you don’t believe in what you’re doing, it’s not going to work out.

And this couldn’t be even more obvious after the events that happened yesterday. And I am not a political person, so I’m not going to get all political about things. But yesterday was January 6th and there was storming of our Capital Building yesterday. And the funny thing was I was out all day yesterday and I didn’t even, honestly, know any of this was going on until I got back home and my wife was telling me about it and I was watching the news and I thought, geez, well, there is something these people have, they have belief. They have belief. And that’s why they did all this. They believe in, be it the current president, or they believe in their understanding of the way things should be, I guess. And that was to me initially, I thought like, wow, it’s impressive that those people have that level of belief in what they’re doing and what they’re saying and waving of their flags and whatnot.

And then as I watched more of the stuff from yesterday, now, I realized that it wasn’t belief. It wasn’t a belief at all. There may have been a few people there that believed in the course that they were fighting for but when I came down to it, these people were sold into a situation. Because I’m watching these people pouring out from the Capital Building and I see an interview with a woman that’s crying and her significant other, I guess, was with her or something. And when they said, oh, what happened? What happened? Are you okay? And she said, yeah, they… Everybody inside, they pepper sprayed me. The second I came into the building, I stepped one foot in and they pepper sprayed me. And she seemed upset and mad that it happened. And when they said, well, what were you trying to do? And she said, well, I’m storming the Capital. And they said, but what was the purpose at the end? And she said, I’m going to be part of a revolution. And they said, well, it’s the revolution? And she didn’t have an answer. She didn’t have an answer.

See, the thing was she got sold into believing somebody else’s agenda. She got sold. And so then when I went back and I watched more of the stuff from yesterday, I saw the president doing a speech. And in it, he was using a lot of his tactics, the art of the sale, to sell people on why they should be storming the Capital and this girl was just one of those… This woman was one of those few people who… Just a few, a lot of people, who bought into it. And she believed in his course. She didn’t believe in herself. She didn’t have her own beliefs even. She just believed in what she was told. And part of my thought, well, geez, that is a level of belief, there’s no doubt about that. But the rest of me felt, you just got duped, you got duped. And that’s upsetting for that person but I think that’s what happened to a lot of people.

So that’s why I talk about belief today. I want you to sit down and think about what are my core beliefs? Do I believe in the job I’m doing? Do I believe in the business I work for? Do I believe that I can start a company and keep going with it? Do I believe I can start my own coaching program? Whatever it is. Do you believe it enough to follow through and stick with it? You’re not going to walk through the door and get pepper sprayed and turn around and walk out crying, and walk away with your tail between your legs. Now, I’m not saying that it was right what they were doing or anything of that nature at all. I’m just using it as an example.

But when you believe in something, you’re going to get kicked a lot and you’re going to get brought on a lot. But if your beliefs are strong enough and you truly understand every aspect of what you’re doing and that you know you can be successful there, then it’s belief that will get you to the end, it’s belief that’s going to be the thing that drives you to succeed. So think about it today. Think about your beliefs, think about where you’re at. Are you putting all that belief and energy into your job and into your career or into your new business or whatever it is that you do or are you just floundering a little bit because you don’t believe it? Maybe you believed it when you started it, but now it faded a little bit, right? We’ve all had it. It’s okay, you could admit it to yourself. That’s honestly a first step to moving past or growing.

So I want you to think about that today. Do you believe in what you’re doing? Do you believe that you can be successful doing the things that you’re doing? Do you believe this is your path for the rest of your life? Because the one I’m on, I believe is my path for the rest of my life, and I’ve never seen more success ever. But prior to that, I had other beliefs, I had other times I thought, oh, this will be the thing. And you know what? I stayed in it as long as I could believe, but it always dried up. So I want you to just think about it, make some notes for yourself. It’s the start of a new year. You can make your own future here and decide what you believe and where you want to take things. And that’s what I’m going to suggest you start this new year out doing.

All right, everyone. Matt from The Business Mind Podcast. If you enjoyed this, please take a screenshot, post it around Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, I don’t know, wherever you’re at today, TikTok, there’s so much. But tell other people about it. If you think that they can benefit from listening to this, please let them know. And if you guys need any help by all means, reach out to me. It’s Matt, M-A-T-T, @nesta, N-E-S-T-A, All right. I will talk to you guys again soon. And again, happy new year.