I think Mark Cuban is listening!

Alright if you won’t take my advice, you could just wait a few months and hear it from Mark Cuban the billionaire.

Matt Henderson:

Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the Business Mind podcast. This is Matt. I think Mark Cuban’s listening to me. I have one Matt from the business mind podcast.

Matt Henderson:

Hey, everyone. So hope you guys have been doing well. I’m off for another week. It’s July and boy, ooh, it got hot and humid here. So I hope you guys have been keeping busy. I know a lot of the world is kind of opening back up. I’m not even sure anymore. I’m in New Jersey. And if you live in New Jersey, you would understand what I mean when I say I know anymore, because today the governor will say one thing. And by the end of the day, he’ll have a totally different response. And I don’t even imagine what those people making the decisions are going through. I just know that holy cow, this is wild and yeah, I’m ready to have a little bit of normalcy, but not at the cost of my health or my family’s.

Matt Henderson:

So, and after my last episode, I mean, for those of you who listen, we had a little bit of a family emergency. So to say the least we are done with any kind of problems this year regarding medical stuff. And we are not in any way going to a hospital again. So I’m just happy to stay safe and honestly stay home. I’m alright with that. But if you guys were listening to the beginning of this podcast, you heard me say, I think Mark Cuban’s listened to me. And I somewhat jest, I know I get it, Mark Cuban, multi-billionaire, extremely busy guy. 99.9% chance he’s not listening to the Business Mind podcast. And that’s his loss, that’s his loss. Sorry, Cuban. I’ll let you know what’s up.

Matt Henderson:

But I say it because I was actually reading an article the other day. I do a lot of reading before, basically when I get up right out of bed, I start reading. So I’m doing a lot of reading and I tend to pay attention when very successful people speak. I want to hear what they have to say. And one of the people is Mark Cuban and he was doing an entire article about when you come back for… if your inventory, holy moly, I have my mind on work right now. If you are interviewing for a new job or you’re trying to get jobs, or this pandemic has kind of taken away what you were doing and now you’re looking into other things or if you are like me and you’re going to be hiring new people because your business has been expanding during this pandemic, then you’re going to have to find the right people.

Matt Henderson:

And in a lot of, in a couple of our episodes, we’ve spoken about finding the right people and what to look for and different methods I use of trying to keep the right people in our business hiring slowly and firing quickly and all those kinds of things. But Mark Cuban brought one up that I had actually spoken about in one of my previous episodes. And it made me think, “Geez, this guy might be listening to me,” because his whole article, let me tell you this story. So the whole article was about if you’re hiring or if you’re going in to be hired or trying to get hired at a job and it’s during this pandemic, post-pandemic, whatever it may be. It was, he was listing out questions that he would ask someone who was coming into an interview with him as far as their interview questions.

Matt Henderson:

And I thought, well, that’s interesting. The guy clearly has a good team of people. So yeah, what would Mark Cuban ask people? I’m dying to know. So it’s funny, I’m always thinking that these billionaires have a different system and have better answers and better ways. But Mark Cuban basically said something I said in a previous podcast, it was in one of my very recent podcasts from, I don’t know, two months ago, maybe three months ago, right in the beginning of this pandemic. It was all about, he said, I’m not even going to talk about my podcast right now, I’m going to talk about what Mark Cuban said. He said, so number one question he would ask someone who came in to interview after the pandemic.

Matt Henderson: So here’s his question, what did you do during the pandemic? How’d you spend your time? What’d you get into? What was the way you spent most of your time during the pandemic? I thought, very interesting question. It would definitely be at the top of my list. And his second question, and he only really had two, what new skills did you come away from this path pandemic having? So what did you learn? What did you do and what did you learn during this pandemic? What separates you from everybody else? Were you the person who, during this pandemic, you just little Netflix and chill catch up on every show, series, movie, that you’ve missed over the past decade. And you took that time to really just put a nice well into the couch and lay around and do nothing and take it easy because you haven’t had that vacation you’ve been looking for, or maybe your vacation was supposed to be during this pandemic.

Matt Henderson:
I had one scheduled for three weeks ago. I was supposed to be away and it was going to be a 10 day plus vacation and that never happened. And I don’t know when that’s going to happen, but you that’s why I asked, what’d you do during the pandemic? Did you miss your vacation? Did you learn anything new? How’d you spend your time? And I think a lot of people would answer honestly to that question. And if you’re in an interview, I guess, you should answer honestly if you want to keep that job long term, but it hit me. I thought, “Gosh, how many people are just going to say they sat around and did nothing? “I sat out on the couch and watched Netflix, or I watched every Star Wars movie that came out or I’ve seen whatever, every, I don’t know, whatever you think is every Fast and Furious movie that’s come out over the last decade, whatever it is.

Matt Henderson:

But, and then his secondary question of what did you learn during this time? What new skills did you learn? And if you’ve listened to the podcast and if not, I’ll look it up. And I got to go back. I want to say it’s probably six, five or six episodes ago, maybe longer, but that I spoke about, what were you going to learn during this pandemic? This was in March. This was right when the pandemic started. And I wanted to make it clear to everyone that this was obviously not going to be an ideal situation for any of us, but the people who would be successful after this would be the ones that really leaned in. And when you had the extra time you used it wisely.

Matt Henderson:

Now I’m not saying you can’t sit down and watch a TV show or something. I’m not in any way chastising people for taking some time off, but what were the patterns you developed during this time? How did you better yourself? What did you do to grow? And that was what I spoke about in the podcast that those people who took the time and actually capitalized on what they were doing during this whole pandemic, they would be the ones that came out on top at the end. And that’s where we’re at right now. I mean, no, it’s not the end of it. I mean, I don’t think so. I’m not a doctor or I’m not somebody who even knows anything about it other than what I read and what I watch, just like you guys, but what did you come out of it with? What skills are you going to take into your business?

Matt Henderson:

If you were, want to say the retail businesses that were closed during this whole time or a gym owner… I belong to a gym down the street and I will be canceling the membership at that gym because of the ways that they acted during the pandemic. But I looked and I found that as soon as this pandemic started to loosen up a little bit and people were allowed to open, i.e. the gyms, as of my example, right now. I found that all but one gym in my area and I know because I actually follow because I do some lead generation for gym websites and gym owners, so I follow all of the gyms and the different, what do you call them, like fitness places in our area? Like Lift gyms and F45 and all those ones that are corporately run.

Matt Henderson:

And I look to see what they do during these pandemics. And you know what? They were all fairly quiet. They initially all put out everything they could. The people who were definitely on the higher end of doing things were putting out free workouts for everyone to take a look at. So they offered free content to their patrons. So to people who, not even patrons, people who just follow them online. So on Instagram, Facebook, whatever people who are following them online, they were giving them free workouts during things. And then when situations started to loosen up, they actually were the only company, the one company that I’m speaking about locally, there was one company locally, and it’s a chain that actually had a plan. And the second that things started to lift, they put their plan into action.

Matt Henderson:

And I was very impressed because it was something I told my wife, everyone should be doing around here. And they’re just not. And it was, they put out emails. They let people know they’re back. They let people know they’re here to help them. And then they launched a funnel to get people signed up, to give away free training. Now, what did those people learn during the pandemic? They learned that they needed to market. They learned that if they wanted to grow their business, they were going to have to work at it. And that it wasn’t going to come easy and they succeeded. They put out a great looking funnel. They got an immediate 30 person response in a day.

Matt Henderson:

And I’m watching a friend of mine close his gym this week, doing personal training and the same type of things that this gym is doing. He closed his gym this week because he didn’t want to put up a website. He didn’t want to email his list. I’m clearly on his list. I did not get one email from him the entire time. Not one. First email we got, my wife, got an email from him the first week of the pandemic back in March. And then we just got our second email, which also did not come to me, just went to my wife saying they’re closing. And they’ll work out training with people who still have sessions and everything else, but that they were closing.

Matt Henderson:

And I thought, this was the opportunity for them to gain market share by putting a plan in place for when things are lifted knowing that no one is to take the time to put a plan together. Other than the corporate people who clearly used a little bit of money. And when I say a little bit, they put out a text email with a signup link in it and a one page lead funnel where they’re just trying to get leads so that they have people that want to come into their gym.

Matt Henderson:

So listen, Mark Cuban said it, Matt Henderson said it on the Business Mind podcast. Do you guys not hear what we’re saying? Learn a new skill, separate yourself from the pack. Get out of the red ocean of people who know how to do everything that you are doing and separate yourself with this new skill that you have learned or are learning, or are now mastering, whatever it is for you. Be different, step outside of your comfort zone. Gain the respect that you need, gain the knowledge you need and better yourself in your environment, in your business, in your new job or whatever it is.

Matt Henderson:

That’s the only thing that’s going to save you and to keep your business flowing or to keep you flowing with money. And that’s what we want for you. We want you to be successful. We want you to have the money that you need and whether it’s from your own business, or if it’s from you working for somebody else, it doesn’t matter. Learn a new skill, become great at it, and then offer your skills to other people, grow yourself, grow your business, grow your money, grow your life. Be bigger than you are. What you walk away from after this may be what changes your life forever. I know I might not be the one that you think is the only one out there that could possibly have an opinion on this, but this guy, Mark Cuban, is pretty smart. I might listen to him. I might just listen.

Matt Henderson:

All right, everyone. Matt from the Business Mind podcast, I hope you have an amazing day. This episode helped you at all, if you got anything from it, please take a screenshot. Share it wherever you are on the web. If you’re on social media, you like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, whatever your thing is, please just post this up. Let people know that this podcast exists and that it’s helping you. And if I can help you in any way, please reach out to me. [email protected]. Alright guys, we’ll talk to you again soon.