Just under 90 days

The year has less than 90 days left in it. Time to evaluate.

Matthew Henderson:

Hi, everyone. Matt from the Business Mind Podcast.

Good morning. It’s Matt from the Business Mind Podcast. We’re heading into the first day of October today. So, it is October 1st. What does that mean for us? Right? I mean, we’re heading in to fall, which is great, but what does it really mean for us in business? And what’s it mean for the rest of what we want to get done this year? Because today marks exactly 90 days to the end of the year.

So, what do we want to do? What’s the goal from now to the end of the year? And that’s what I started my day thinking about, and I’m sure I’ll still finish my day thinking about, but what are you guys looking to get done before the end of this year? Because you have a timeframe. It’s not over. Everybody starts out the year with all these New Year’s resolutions, and all the things that they’re going to change this year, and how their lives are going to be different.

You lose track of it over the course of the year, but it’s not over. If you fell off course, you’re a little off track for the year, okay. It’s not a big deal. I mean, I got there. There’s times that I’ve definitely been so far off track I don’t even know what to do. But think about this. If you could just pick one thing and challenge yourself to it for the next month, pick 30 days and challenge yourself to it. Maybe pick a goal that takes 30 days, or 90 days, and run through that for 90 days and see where it takes you. But don’t write off your entire business right now, or your goals, because you’ve missed them up to this point in the year. I understand that’s frustrating. It’s very frustrating.

Nine months you’ve gone by. You haven’t accomplished what you wanted to get accomplished. I have some of my own things that didn’t get completed this year so far. So far. But it means I have three months to pull off everything that I wanted to get done this year. And, I’m prepared to put in the work to get it. Three months of really pushing to see where I can get to to finish off this year is what I’m going for, and I think that you should be doing the same.

I got really down on myself about a few things because some projects that I started in January have done not the numbers that I thought they would, and that gets disappointing. It gets difficult at times. But it’s not the end of the world. What it is is just an eye opener to reset and reconfigure what you’re doing. Or, better yet, where you’re going with the plan.

So the issue was, with some of my stuff that I’ve been working on, I have a couple websites I built, and ranking them, and doing different things in that sense, but the issue was, I haven’t been able to convert them very well. So, that happens. Again, not the end of the world, but it is disappointing. I put a lot of work and time into it. But I’m not willing to give up on these things. Like I said, I have three months, so what can I do in three months to change that? And that’s how I started my day thinking, all right, for 90 days, what can I do to take myself from where I am to where I want to be in the next 90 days?

How could I complete or feel that I’ve accomplished more with my goals than I currently do? How do I get to that point in the next 90 days? That’s what I’m trying to plan out. So, the things I’m doing for myself that I think will probably help you guys as well is to make a list of what those few things were that… Maybe it’s just one thing. What’s the thing that you said this year you’re going to get done, or you’re going to complete, or you’re going to make some headway on, so that you can move forward into the next year knowing that your aggressive goals are worth going after? Some people call it big, hairy audacious goals. And sometimes we have those, and then we have stretch goals, and then you have attainable goals. And then you have things that probably should have been done the day that you decided they needed to be done. Right?

But we all… We don’t get through everything. And maybe it’s not just business. Maybe it’s your personal life, it’s your home life, some things at home. Maybe it’s things with your significant other that you’ve wanted to do all year, and you haven’t gotten done. Or you said this year, I’m going to be this. I’ll be a better husband, a wife, a boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever it is. What’s your goal for the next 90 days? These are attainable things.

A lot of people choose… And I’ve done this myself, and had pretty good success, and I’ve stretched out further. But let me explain. I’ve had really good success with setting 30-day goals. I’ve had extremely good success with setting six-week goals. Now it’s funny because six weeks sounds so much more than a 30 day. I don’t know why. It’s only an extra 14 days. But I had a really good experience the last time I did a six-week goal. I had a really good experience the last time I set a 30-day challenge for myself. I thought, I wonder if I’ll be able to complete what I need to in 30 days, and will I get all this stuff done? And it really wasn’t big…

It was a big deal. I pushed myself to the point of going crazy in the 30 days, which is why I think that six weeks is amazing, because it gives you a little more time. So, at the 30-day mark, when you’re thinking it’s all going to end, if you do a six-week challenge, it gives you two more weeks to… If you’ve pushed hard up to 30 days, then you know much harder you can push for the next two weeks.

And that’s what I found to be very beneficial. I mean, I felt… My last six week challenge I did, I was a personal challenge. It wasn’t something I signed up for, but I did a personal challenge for six weeks. And at one month, I thought, holy cow, I can’t believe I’ve made it through a month. And I was proud of myself in a month. And had I stopped at a month, my gains that I did see at the end of the six months would’ve been okay. But I’ll tell you, the last two weeks of that challenge is where I really turned up the fire and really got things going, really got things cooking at that point.

And man, it made a huge, huge difference. I mean, in the next two weeks after that month was over, I almost doubled the gains from the one month, from the 30 days prior.

Now, I think part of it is because you’re in a routine. I think another part of it is I figured a few things out over the course of that month. And then the last thing was, I’m so competitive that I’m more competitive with myself than I am with other people. Seems crazy, right. But I’ll betcha a lot of you guys are in the same position, where you’re almost more competitive with yourself than you are in a situation with other people.

And that’s not a bad thing. That’s what keeps entrepreneurs going. It’s what keeps entrepreneurs wanting to excel. It’s not trying to beat out the competition all the time. If you’re like me, 99% of the time it’s that I’m trying to beat out my own goals that I have set, and the different levels that I’ve set for myself.

And then, if I can, I feel a sense of accomplishment that far exceeds what I would get from just beating out competition. So, I find it to be awesome. It’s the best way for me to do it, it’s to do an upwards of six weeks, which, hey, if that’s something that seems like it might work for you, you don’t have to focus on the whole 90 days that you’ve coming up. You could just do two six-week challenges and feel like, hey, if I push myself, where can I get in six weeks? Where can I be by Christmas, if I did two six-week challenges? And it’s something that worked out a little better for me at different times is to spread it out a little further, and not just call it a 30-day challenge. Go for six weeks.

Sometimes 90 days can seem like too much. It can be a little too much because at the end of month one, if you’re not excelling, some people give up on month two, and that stinks. Yeah, you’ve accomplished a lot by month two. You can’t just give up, even if it doesn’t feel like you’re getting there. But that’s what tends to happen.

So, that’s why I say maybe do a six-week challenge. Do 30 days of a challenge. If you’re looking for something to challenge yourself with, email me. [email protected]. I’ll set you up with some challenge, a challenge that might be 30 day. If you’re looking for 60 day, I’ll set you up with that. If you’re looking for, I don’t know, a personal fitness challenge, I’ll help you find that. I’ve done those, too, and I’ve done those for upwards of six weeks.

I mean, whatever it is that you’re looking to do, I think it’s just so important to take these last 90 days and push yourself to a different point, to see where you can really get. See what you can accomplish, and see how you can get to another level before the end of this year. How can you stretch your goals out? How can you meet your goals? Better yet, how can you exceed them? I definitely don’t set goals to just meet my goals. Anytime I meet my goals, I don’t know if this is good or bad, but every time I meet my goals, I feel as though I missed a goal. Because just meeting expectations for me is not really excelling in life. It’s just meeting the minimums, and it doesn’t excite me.

So, that’s why I push to actually… I always push to beat my goals. If my goal would be to, I don’t know, whatever, if you were trying to lose weight, and the goal is to lose 10 pounds, then I honestly wouldn’t be happy unless I lost 12 or 15. But that’s who I am. And that’s what I want you guys to shoot for. You have 90 days. Think about what you can do in the next 90 days. And then, think about how much further you can go past that, and look to excel, look to push yourself to a different level, get yourself to where you need to be, and change your life before the end of the year. It’s still possible. There’s tons of stuff you can do.

If you’re looking to change your business life, contact me. [email protected]. I will definitely help you in that sense. If you want to change it in, like I said, a fitness aspect, I have a friend who’s a personal trainer, and he’ll lay out a whole plan for you for the next 90 days, if you want to start the new year off differently and not be the person who’s making a New Year’s resolution to go on a diet or start a… “I’m going to finally get that business started this year.” Well, why wait until next year? You could have that business started before the year even is over. So, if you have some goals, you have some aspirations. You need any help with them, shoot me an email. [email protected]. I’ll definitely help you out.

And if not, then just keep listening. Maybe you’ll hear something on the podcast that’s going to point you in the direction you need to go and get you to the next level in your life, your business, with your family, whatever goals are for you. Okay?

I hope you have an awesome day today. Get out there, push through all the obstacles, think about your next 90 days and what you’re going to get done, and let’s excel together. All right, this is Matt from the Business Mind Podcast. If you guys can leave me a review wherever you’re listening to this, whether it be iTunes, Spotify, Anchor, anchor.fm, Google podcasts, anywhere you’re listening to this, please leave me a review if you can. And if you have any questions, shoot me an email. All right, guys, I will talk to you again soon.