Put on your blinders

You have to stay focused and it is going to be hard.

Matt Henderson (00:01):

What’s up everybody. Matt, from The Business Mind Podcast. Today, we’re going to talk about keeping your head down, staying focused, and not getting caught up with everyone else at the job. Hi, everyone. Matt, from The Business Mind Podcast. I just wanted to let you know about a quick little tip. So the way that I’ve been doing all these podcasts is this cool app, or you can get it on your desktop as well. It’s called anchor.fm. It’s got to be the easiest way to make a podcast because they give you everything you need in one place, and they do it for free. So it’s pretty awesome because I’m currently doing all of this right from my phone, but when I’m at home and I have a few minutes, I pop on the computer and it’s got so many awesome tools and everything to edit, and you can do sound effects, and all other really cool things that I haven’t been taking advantage of, but I suggest that you do.

Matt Henderson (00:52):

They even distribute the podcast for me. I don’t have to figure out where to put it. They popped it onto Spotify for me. You can get it on the Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, and a whole bunch of others. But the nicest part is while you’re getting your podcast out there, you can also monetize and you can easily make a little bit of money from doing the podcast with minimal listenership. So get online, download the Anchor app on your phone, or you can go to anchor.fm, and you can get started on it today. All right, so check it out. Once again, I’m Matt from The Business Mind Podcast. I’m so excited that you guys decided to take the time and listen and when you’re ready to get your podcast going, check out the anchor.fm. Again, Matt, from The Business Mind Podcast, have a great day.

Matt Henderson (01:40):

Hey guys, it’s Matt from The Business Mind Podcast and today, as I said, I want to talk to you about something that happens in all the workplaces out there, whether it’s your own business or if you’re working for another company right now, I’m sure you get caught up in the same stuff that everybody else does, and that is people around you, and what their goals are, and what they have to say. Now, I say this because if you are following all the steps to this podcast, we’re going along a path here, and our path is to become what we’re supposed to be. And that means if it’s growing your own business, growing who you are as an employee, a manager, anything, it doesn’t matter, it’s growing yourself. Right?

Matt Henderson (02:25):

And for a lot of us, you get into environments, and sometimes you’re growing your own thing on the side, or maybe you’re growing your own thing from the start from scratch, and what happens is when you are around other people and this happens, I don’t know if it happens as much in the female owner environment, but in the male owner environment of a small business, a lot of the owners tend to get quite a chip on the shoulder. And not just the owners, but the people who work there as well. Everyone wants to, I’m going to use the term show off for lack of a better term, I guess, at this point, but everyone wants to show off their skills, show how great they are at something, show how amazing worker, and employee, and the owner or whatever they are. Right? And it’s very easy for the rest of us who are around them to feel that because they’re pushing this out there, that the rest of us need to as well.

Matt Henderson (03:36):

If somebody keeps telling me you’re in an art class, and they keep saying, I’m the best artist. I’m the best artist and look at what I’ve done, and look at who I’ve spoken to, and every time you see him, you ask, hey, what have you been up to and they tell you, everything, everything. I mean, I’m doing everything, it gets you feeling like, am I not doing enough? You get that feeling where you think, well, if this person’s doing everything, then geez, what am I doing because I feel exhausted. I feel like I’m doing everything. I mean, I’m currently in the process of starting and growing a digital marketing company. I feel like I’m doing everything, but when I meet up with other people and I ask them what they’re up to and they go on and just having and hauling about how they’re doing everything and it’s a lot and oh man, it’s so much to do.

Matt Henderson (04:26):

I’ll tell you, I get rocked a little bit onto my heels and I think, wow, I mean, if this person’s that busy, am I not doing enough? Are they flat out just producing more than me? I don’t know. And I think a lot of us gets that. Now, here’s my takeaway from it because over the years I’ve seen this a lot and I’ve been part of it a lot where people are constantly saying that to me and I’ve seen it with other people. And what I start to realize is, it’s possible that the person who’s talking about that and saying, they’re doing a lot, maybe they are really doing a lot. Maybe it’s just a lot to them. Do you know? Because all things are relative. I mean, geez, I think parents do a lot, parents that got multiple children.

Matt Henderson (05:16):

I mean, my own sister has seven kids. I mean, I get it, there’s people doing a lot out there and you still have to go to work and you still have to get the kids fed and do the food shopping and all that. I think parents do a lot. So when someone says they’re doing a lot, I think, well, okay, well what are the parameters around what they consider to be a lot? You know, for me, I think I do a lot all the time, but you know what? I’ll bet you there’s a parent out there or something who thinks that they’re probably doing a lot more than me because they’ve got kids that they’re taking care of as well as probably trying to do as much as I do. I don’t know. I’m just assuming.

Matt Henderson (06:01):

But for that reason, I say don’t get caught up in all of it. What you’re doing is that you need to push to do your best. You need to excel to be your best at everything, and you want to try and do the most that you can every day. So it’s all relative. You don’t have to hear that I do more than everybody else or I’m doing so much and you get this almost stressful thing from people where you’re thinking, geez, if they feel like that and they’re doing so much, then maybe I’m not doing enough in life. And what other people are doing shouldn’t matter to you. What should matter to you is everything you are doing in a day. Are you maximizing everything that you can get done each and every day? Some days I go to bed and I don’t feel like I got enough done.

Matt Henderson (06:55):

And then there’re other days I can barely get to sleep and I’ve done more than I’ve done any other day in my life, that’s what I feel like. So that’s what I want you to take away from today. Don’t get caught up with other people and what they say is important and what they think is a lot and what they feel is getting done, worry about yourself, focus on your own game, focus on your own business and where you want to be and what you want to achieve right now, and then at the end of the day, if you feel like you put in as much as you can or more, then you did. If you feel like you could put in more and you didn’t put in an up that day, then guess what? Maybe you didn’t, but don’t get caught up in what everybody else has to say.

Matt Henderson (07:44):

And in my opinion, I’d almost stop asking people about what they have to say about it because who cares? Their opinions don’t matter. What they feel they got done and whether they feel it’s a lot or a little, or that they feel overwhelmed shouldn’t have any bearing on what you feel in a day. It shouldn’t have any bearing on what you feel is a lot to get done in one day or in one month or in one year. Okay? So that’s my suggestion for today. Focus on yourself, do everything that you can do to be the best that you can be at your job or at your business or in growing your own business. Just do what you can do and don’t focus on the other people, put on your blinders and just stay looking straight. All right, everyone.

Matt Henderson (08:27):

This is Matt from The Business Mind Podcast. I hope I was able to help you today and I hope that you were able to take something away from this. If you’ve enjoyed this, please take a screenshot, place it anywhere you can on social media and tell people about me. If you have some suggestions and you want to leave me a review, that would be amazing. I’m on iTunes. If you want to hear and keep up to date with all of the other episodes that come out, all you have to do is go on to Spotify or iTunes and follow this podcast. All right, everyone, I’ll talk to you again soon.