The penthouse

As you get closer to achieving your goals the noise around you will get louder…

Matt Henderson:

What’s up everyone? Welcome back to The Business Mind Podcast. This is Matt Henderson. Today we’re going to talk about how excited I am to hear how quiet it is in the penthouse. Hey guys, welcome back. Very excited today because something that I heard about a long time ago, when I started my journey, has actually started to take place. It’s kind of like this podcast. I talked to you guys about a lot of different things, and I try to give you heads up as to what to expect as you move through your journey in life and your entrepreneurial business journey, or maybe it’s just growing at your current job. One of the things that happens during your path that I’ve obviously heard about over the years and learned about and read about, and I studied it a lot just to know when I’m getting closer, was that the closer you get to your success, the more people are going to try to knock you down. And it sounds a little crazy.

I’ll be honest. I’ve heard that throughout my whole journey. Typically, it’s the people who are closest to you that tend to make the most comments because I’ve heard a few entrepreneurs speak about this. I think Russell Brunson was one of them, and maybe Gary Vaynerchuk was another one. They spoke about how your family will be the ones to make comments the most often. They’re doing it out of a place of love, or so they feel that they’re doing it out of a place of love. They’re not trying to actually knock you down. They’re trying to save you from what could happen to you. In their eyes, it’s something that’s going to happen to you, and you’re going to have failures, and you’re going to have hard times.

Out of a place of love, like I said, they don’t want to see you have hard times, but they also don’t understand what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. They don’t know what it’s like to go through this process and that, really, entrepreneurs need support. They need people behind them telling them… You need a cheering squad. The last thing you need is somebody telling you, “You can’t do something,” because literally everything in the process is telling you, “You can’t.” It’s about how you figure out that you can, and how you go through the steps of figuring out that you can do everything. The closer you keep getting to hitting your goals or reaching some of your goals, the louder the people are going to get. They’re going to try to knock you down. People are really, in my opinion, I think what’s going on more than anything, is they get intimidated. I think they get a little bit intimidated by success, and they get intimidated by seeing other people’s success, if they’re maybe not having it themselves.

I think it’s unknown to a lot of people that those positive times and those positive wins are unknown to a lot of people. For them, it’s hard to understand what’s going on with you. I believe that they get a little intimidated, and they maybe have a bit of jealousy that starts to creep in. I think it’s going to happen. People are going to do it. They’re going to have these moments and it’s going to seem like an attack on you. That’s what I’ve gone through over the past few years, is really people attacking my methods. This is the way I want to live my life and not drive into a major city every day to walk into a 100-story building and go up the elevator every day.

Do that whole thing. It’s not me. I don’t want to sit in the cubicle all day, but these people don’t understand that you’re on your own path, and that their path is their path. Your path is yours. The noise starts to become frustrating. There’s days where it’s going to start to creep back in. It made me think a little bit about what I wanted from my life and where I have seen myself going and trying more envisioning my future. It made me think, “Geez, I just can’t wait till I’m in that house that I always wanted, or the house that I want now.” I can see the house; maybe I’ll have the penthouse somewhere down in another state or something. I’ll have a penthouse somewhere that I can go and visit.

I thought, “Geez, why do people want the penthouse?” You got to go all the way to the top there, too. It’s very interesting. I realized there was a correlation here; the more you make, the nicer the things you can afford. So people tend to choose when you can afford it, you go to the penthouse. Moving on up to the penthouse, and from the penthouse, you know what you can’t hear? You can’t hear any of the noise down below. That’s why everybody wants to be up there. You can’t hear the noise. I thought about that, and I’m like, “Well, that’s interesting.” Because right now, I feel like I’m in the lower levels of, not even the lower levels. I’m on the low to middle levels of entrepreneurship.

I hear the noise. I hear all the people making their comments and saying what I should be doing and disapproving, at times, of my choices and feeling that they should interject into my life and tell me what they feel I should be doing, whether they’re successful or not. Around me, I don’t have a lot of successful people, so it’s funny when the ones making the comments are not successful themselves. They’re trying to tell me how I’ll be successful and how I need to follow the path that they’re talking about and live a quote unquote, “Secure life, secure my finances, and be able to provide a certain way.” I’ll be honest, the noise, it gets loud. It gets really loud.

The other night, somebody reached out to me and really just took a dig. It had been a while since somebody took such a shot at me. Typically, it’s just a shot across the bow. Whatever, you ignore it, and you move on. This person is a little closer to me, and it hurts. It definitely hurt. It was frustrating. It was aggravating. This person’s not successful. They haven’t achieved anything that I would consider amazing in life or even at best, they’ve achieved average. That’s not what I’m going for. It got me so upset the other night. I didn’t sleep all night, and I had a terrible day the next day, because I didn’t sleep all night because I’m thinking about all of this. Then I realized, I said, “Geez, you know what? There’s going to be a time when I can’t hear all the noise.”

I’ve weeded out a lot of people in my life because if they weren’t positive, and they weren’t adding a positive aspect to my life, then I decided then I actually don’t need to see them. They don’t need to be in my life, not in a rude way, just in a very matter of fact way. If people were bringing positivity to me, they were essentially bringing a lot of negativity. When I was going hand in hand, I just figured I don’t need that negativity around me. I don’t want it around me. Therefore, I’m going to eliminate those people from being in my vicinity. One of those people crept back in and slowly, but surely started to try to gain trust.

Then lo and behold, here comes the hate. I thought, “Just pick up the phone and let them know exactly what you think, and don’t hold back.” It really upset me; it just really upset me. I thought, “There’s going to come a time when I can’t hear this noise anymore. When I’m at the top, I’m not going to hear the noise.” That’s when I realized, from the penthouse, there’s no street noise. I have friends who lived in Hoboken in the city, in New York City and stuff like that. I remember thinking, “Oh my gosh, it’s so loud here all the time. It’s loud at night. It’s loud in the morning. It’s just loud.” When you’re living in the penthouse, because you’ve achieved all your goals or you’ve achieved some of your major things that you wanted in life and you’re seeing success, the noise, although it never stops, and people will never stop making comments and they’re never going to stop trying to tell you what you should be doing, the noise will get a lot quieter. I think eventually I won’t even hear it anymore. I’m pretty confident in that.

There’s always going to be haters, always going to be haters. There’s always going to be people who don’t like what you’re doing for one reason or another. I think typically it happens because they don’t know what you’re doing. They don’t understand what you’re doing. A lot of times people, like I said, do it out of a place of love where they don’t want you to fail or have hardships, but they don’t realize they’re the ones causing your hardships. They’re the ones bringing the difficult times to you, and it takes its toll.

I don’t want to keep harping on this today. I had to talk about it, because I know that when you get to the top, the noise isn’t there. The noise isn’t as loud because you can choose when to listen and when to not. When you’re at the bottom, it seems like everyone’s just making comments, and they say what they want because they think that they’re right, and you’re wrong. You have got to just tune it out; tune it out. At the end of the day, when you’ve achieved your goals, and you’ve gotten to where you finally wanted to be, you’re not going to hear the noise from the penthouse. When you’re at the top, it gets a lot quieter. A lot of people are happier at the top than they are at the bottom.

I’m not saying the problems go away, but they sure become a lot different. It’s going to get a lot quieter, and you’re going to see a different experience in life. That’s my advice today. Push for the penthouse, get yourself to the top, end all the noise. You’re not going to have to listen to it anymore, but just know it’s not always going to be smooth sailing. People are definitely going to make comments to you. The closest ones are going to make the most harsh comments. Just know that if you keep pushing, you get to the top. From that penthouse, it’s going to be really hard to hear anybody. It’s going to sound like a whisper. That’s it. I just wanted to give you guys a little positive push and a heads up to what to expect when you’re on the right path. When you’re on the right path, people tend to start talking a lot more.

So stay on your course. Listen to the podcast and use what I’m telling you and actually apply it. I think you’re going to see a different level of success with everything. If you guys could, take a screenshot, if you’re loving the podcast. If you could tell somebody about it, just take a screenshot, share it, and tag me in it. I have Nesta Digital on Instagram. You can always tag me there and just let me know what’s going on with you and where you’re at in your journey. If I can assist you, I’m certainly here, [email protected]. Again, Matt Henderson from The Business Mind Podcast. I look forward to seeing you guys soon.