The truth about passive income

Everyone wants passive income…right? Making money while you sleep has to be the new American dream. There are so many questions around it though. Is passive income actually passive? How hard is it to setup? Am I too late to the passive income scene? Get the truth about passive income in this episode of the Business Mind Podcast.

Matt Henderson

Hey, everyone. Welcome back to The Business Mind Podcast. This is Matt, and today I’m going to discuss with you the truth about passive income.

So excited that you guys decided to take the time and listen. And when you’re ready to get your podcast going check out the Again, Matt from The Business Mind Podcast, have a great day. Hey everyone. Welcome back. I know it’s been a few weeks because… Actually it’s been like two weeks, and I apologize because I have had some crazy stuff going on. We actually were under quarantine for the past two weeks because I got exposed to somebody who has, who is just actually diagnosed with COVID. Everything is fine and everybody is okay and we’re all safe and we’re back and I’m sorry I could have… I just… It was a crazy time. So I apologize for not being here. But today, as you heard, I wanted to talk to you guys about passive income and the truth about passive income. Now, why do I say that? So for those of you who are new to the podcast, or maybe you just didn’t even get a chance to listen to the last episode, I will definitely say, please go back and check out the last episode.

Because, in the last episode I told you that I finally had launched my own product out. And all it was actually teaching you guys through a webinar. I had a friend of mine, Anthony Morrison, say that he would actually teach a webinar to everyone regarding making money online. So we were very fortunate. We did get it recorded and I got it launched. And if you didn’t get a chance to, you can go over to, that’s And that is the webinar. And… There’s still a few live ones going on and there’s replays in case you want to go back and check that, but by all means, please get in there. There’s some amazing training from a multi-millionaire that just… It’s going to blow your mind now, how did that tie into passive income? Right? So this is how. Ever since I launched that webinar, which has been, had an overwhelming response.

I mean, an amazing, amazing amount of people have come over to the webinar. So thank you to everyone who has come and joined it and listened and you know, followed the steps and took advantage of the free profit cycle. And for those of you who haven’t yet, what are you waiting for? It’s free, free, free, free, free, free, and you get a business with it. You’re going to start your own business from the webinar and nobody’s charging you to do it. So that’s why I say, “Go take advantage.” It’s the next level. Anyway, the reason passive income came up was because I started getting a bazillion emails and questions asking about passive income. And is this a passive income business? Is this going to be passive income for me? How will I use this to make passive income? How long do I have to watch it for? I mean, crazy amounts of stuff regarding passive income.

The first thing I want to say regarding that is for those of you who tend to do this because I’ve had a lot of people reach out… “I did not watch the webinar”. And instead of watching the one an hour webinar that’s free, they decided they would email me first and ask me a whole slew of questions regarding the webinar. And if it is this free passive income, does this give me passive income? How will it give me passive income? You know, do I have to watch the whole thing? Can I get a replay of it so I could just watch it later? I mean, a million questions without taking the first step, which was just watching the webinar. They just had to take the first step. Just watch the webinar. It’s free. So for those of you who, if that’s you, I’m not trying to offend you.

I’m just trying to give you a little bit of a coaching moment here where I would say, instead of asking somebody who just offered you something for free, if they could tell you more about it, maybe just take advantage of the free offering that they’re giving you. Watch it, take notes and then ask them many questions. Cause if you have questions after watching the webinar, I’m really excited to answer them for you because I mean, that’s what I’m here for. I want to help you guys grow in business. That’s why I created the free webinar so that you could go and learn from it. I mean, if all this did was push you to the direction of how you can start your own business online, wouldn’t it be worth it? And if all it did was give you the idea of how I’m making money online, wouldn’t that be worth it?

If it made you $10 a week, what do you think? I don’t know. You guys would have to tell me. Personally, I would jump in and watch it because that’s what I’ve done with every webinar that I’ve had access to that I thought might be able to help me even just like the slightest. I watched them. And I’ve even purchased stuff from webinars because I loved all the information I got. And then I felt like, wow, this really is going to help me. And I’ve, I’ve actually purchased at the end of webinars. I’ve also just watched a webinar and not purchased anything. Now, how does this tie into passive income though? So here’s the truth about passive income. Passive income is not passive when you’re starting out.

Let me repeat that so everybody fully gets it. Passive income is not passive when you are starting out. And I know a lot of people, your bubbles just burst there. I guess for that, I’m sorry. I don’t want to upset you, but you know, I’m the guy who’s going to tell you the truth about things, because I want you to succeed. Not everybody is going to tell you that it doesn’t work that way. Some people are just going to try and sell you products, and they’re going to try and sell you tools. And they’re going to tell you this passive income model that they feel is amazing. And, and you’re going to have such success from it. And, and all you have to do is sit at home. And when you wake up in the morning, there’ll be thousands of dollars in your bank account.

Anyone who is telling you that, just so you know, they’re lying to you, and they’re definitely not doing the right thing. They’re not doing the right thing. They are trying to take money from you. So that’s my first piece of advice. My first tip for you today is passive income is not passive when you start. The goal is to turn it into a passive income generating machine so that when you do go to bed, that you wake up and there is money. That is the goal of passive income. And you know, a lot of the things you can set up and you can make the monthly recurring revenue out of it. So that every month you’re getting paid from something that you don’t have to put any more time into after you’ve put in the initial time, but you do need to put in some time.

And that’s just how it is. It’s not, it’s not just the passive income businesses that are like that. All businesses are like that. And I’ll tell you, I’m not trying to dissuade you from looking into passive income generating businesses, because I personally have gone down the route myself and I love it. So, if you want passive income ideas, go watch free profit, go watch the webinar at because you’re going to get all of the information you need in order to start your own business that you can generate passive income from. However, anyone who thinks that you’re going to get passive income from the first day that you decide I’m starting a “passive income business,” you’re not going to, and you’re going to be very disappointed in the outcome. I’m just telling you so that you don’t feel like I’m pulling the wool over your eyes here.

I mean, other people are definitely doing that. I’ve watched a lot of things… I even read a bunch of articles in the past week. Just kind of trying to gauge where the market’s at on passive income right now, so that I could do this episode for you guys. Because, I had a feeling that… I had a feeling that people were being told that it’s all hands off. You don’t have to do anything. All you do is… You know what… Like that back in the day, what was it? The cook timer thing, set it and forget it. All you have to do is set it and forget it. You put your passive income stream business model in place and you set it, forget it. You walk away. You don’t have to do anything anymore. Not true, not true at all. Matter of fact, I would tell you if any business says that it’s that simple, it’s not a business then.

And… If someone’s trying to sell you on an idea that’s like that, then I suggest you look in other places. So. That’s the big takeaway. That’s the truth about passive income. Passive income takes a lot of work to set up because at the end of the day, you’re going to be able to just generate money without having to do any more work. But you do have to put the time in.

So. Two takeaways from today, go and watch the webinar at It is going to help you start your own business for free. If you want passive income businesses, this is one that you could turn into that. It will not start out that way. You will not just become wealthy and rich overnight, and you’re going to wake up and then you’re whatever your PayPal account is tomorrow, there’ll be a million dollars.

It’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen. I’m not even saying you’re going to have the same success that I’m currently having from it. But I know we can get you there. So you will have to put work into passive income, and you need to go and watch

That’s what I want you to take away from today. If you have any questions or comments, or if you love this episode, take a screenshot, share it on social media. Tag me, you know? Tag Nesta Digital on Instagram.

Email me, [email protected] and let me know what you guys think of the episodes.

All right.

I hope everyone is having an amazing week. Finish out your week strong. And by all means, please go take advantage of and let’s see where you can get with today.