You have assets around you

Do you utilize the assets and people you have around you? As entrepreneurs we have to ask others for help and utilize assets.

Good morning, everyone. Are you taking full advantage of the people that you have around you and all the resources you have? This is Matt from The Business Mind Podcast. It’s a beautiful Tuesday. We’re heading into the shop. All right. So how many of you guys are actually utilizing all of the pieces you have around you? And when I say that, I mean it in the nicest way, I’m not saying take advantage of people because that’s not okay. I didn’t think we had to say that, but I will say it. It’s not okay to take advantage of people, but do you utilize all of the help and assistance and the pieces of the puzzle that you have literally all around you every day?

My guess is to be honest with you guys, my guess is you don’t because for years I didn’t either and sometimes it was that I was hesitant for my own businesses to… I didn’t want people to think I was taking advantage of them or that I was only… That every time I see them, I’m just discussing my business ideas or whatever aspect they were able to help me with.

If somebody’s a house painter and every time you see them, you talk about painting your house and how it’s a big chore for you and whatnot. Then it’s going to seem to them that every time you see them, that’s all that you want to talk to them about is the potential of them painting your house. So I’m not saying to take advantage in that sense of the people around you, but I am talking to you about those around you who have either softly offered help to you or even have said to you this is what I do if you ever need assistance.

These are the types of people that are looking to help others out there and they want to give you assistance. And so many times we don’t take advantage of those great resources that we have around us.

And the story comes today because I went and I had an appointment with a trainer this morning. I go to a personal trainer now, and then. And the guy’s been a friend for a long time and we’ve been doing the training stuff together for a while. So we know each other very well. He definitely knows everything I do. I talk to him all the time about my business and what the next thing is I’m looking to accomplish or to do. And he definitely hears about what I do, whether he understands all of it 100%, I’ll say probably he doesn’t because I think so many people don’t but I digress.

The purpose of this is because I have mentioned to him in the past that if he ever needed assistance or wanted to get some insight into his website or what he should do with the website, or what he could do to grow his business I would be there for him to help out. And I offered multiple times and not a lot, I mean, maybe twice I’ve offered to him. But I thought it was an understood open door policy for him that if he ever needs my assistance, it’s there for him.

So a few months ago I actually had, I had reached out or I’d reached out. I was in the training session with him. And I had to bring up substance to him because I noticed that the website was down. I might have talked… I may have spoken about this in a very early episode, I’m not sure though. But anyway, his website was down and so I had to ask him, hey man, so what are you planning on doing with your website? And he said, well, I’m a personal trainer and I just don’t think that a website is really something that’s necessary for me to have.

And man, it was terrible. As a digital marketing person, internet marketer I cringe when I hear that. I cringe. Because I’ve watched so many existing businesses go out of business because that was their exact thought. They felt that the word of mouth business would be enough to carry through forever and it wasn’t, and it isn’t. So for those of you who are listening, who don’t feel that you need a website in some form, it doesn’t have to be a full blown, 100 page website or something ridiculous. But even if you have a funnel that is your site, that is perfectly fine, but you have to have some representation of your business online.

And for those of you who are thinking right now, oh, well I have a Facebook page, that is not a representation of your business online. Is it a social source for your business online? Yes, it is. No, it is not a placeholder for a website. It is not as good as a website. Hear me out. Those things, social media is not something to do in lieu of some form of a website and a web presence. You have to have to have to have something else. And I’m not telling you so that you pay me. I don’t care if you talk to me about it or you don’t, I’m available if you have questions, Matt, at the or you could listen to this anywhere, but I’m telling you read up on it, learn a little bit. This is how you have to have all of the pieces in order for Google to rank you appropriately. So you might get certain rankings because of being around a long time, that’s fine and you will.

Right until somebody like me comes in and then has a client that’s in your market. And what I’m going to do is I’m going to open up every resource possible for them to show up on Google and rank really well on the internet. And what’s going to happen is I’m going to help them pass you. And if I have anything to say about it, they are going to blow right past you in no time, we’ll take over your market and you’ll be down in somewhere at the 20 or 25th person that you would find under your thing on Google.

So just to be clear, you need all those things. So when my buddy, my personal trainer, comes to me, he’s like, oh, well, I don’t think we need that cringe. Like I said I thought, oh my gosh, I can’t believe after everything I’ve taught to this guy about this is what he actually believes.

Then I thought, my gosh, I must not be selling this well enough or at all during my sessions because holy cow, this guy definitely needs his site. His business has actually been shrinking a little bit which is why I talked to him about things the first time. So I guess where I want to go with this is the conversation today was ultimately a lot better. I kind of let the whole thing go and I figured when he’s ready to make a change and financially be in a better position, he’ll let me know.

And today that seemed to be the case. He’s coming towards the end of the year like most of us here. You’re starting to button up all of your financial stuff for the year and your taxes and everything else but he’s a smart businessman. He’s already looking into next year. He needs more growth so he decided that. He wants to pour more money into his business, which is amazing because he does train at other locations, but you’re splitting money there.

So he wants to sink more into his side of the personal training in his own location and start growing a group class situation. And what’s going to… And that’s what he wants his plan to be. So when he spoke to me today, I got to talk to him about some of the stuff we talk about on the podcast here, which was deciding how much he wanted to grow his business over the course of next year and what he wants from his business and putting together a budget because that’s the ultimate thing that you need to have. You need to have a budget for your business and how much you’re going to spend or how much you’re going to put into your business or back into your business over the course of a year.

But don’t forget that your marketing budget and advertising budget needs to be worked into that as well. Now, most people don’t want to factor that in because they feel like they just put up a website. Why do I need to market and advertise? Well, if you want to rank really well on Google and you want to show up and you want to grow your business, then you better start to think about marketing and advertising because they are the keys to all of it. You can definitely get a website to show up online, but if you’re not marketing and advertising, you’re only going to be there for a short time.

Because people like me, once again, they’re going to come through and we’re going to wipe you out. We’re going to, we’re going to rank everybody in front of you because that’s what we get paid to do. And I don’t want that to happen to you, which is why I’m giving you the free information here telling you, this is what you need to do in order to grow your business.

So that’s what I was telling my trainer this morning and letting them know, and I said, listen, this doesn’t take a crazy amount of money. It doesn’t take a ridiculously built, like I said, 100 page website. This could be something very simple. This could be a sales funnel that just is promoted really well. So think about what you are doing and are you utilizing the people around you because my trainer has been utilizing me and I’m definitely his best asset that he’s just not utilizing.

I’ve offered to do some of this stuff for free and he still hasn’t jumped at it, which to me seems crazy. But I’m not here to tell people what they need to do with their business. I’m just here to suggest what I know will grow your business and then see how much of that you want to take on yourself and if you want to actually get involved in doing that much.

Now, I think it’s solely worth it. I think it’s the best investment that you can make going into 2020. But it’s not my business that’s got to fund all of these, it’s somebody else. So I would say, talk to the people around you, see how you can help each other out, maybe trade some services, but utilize everybody who’s around you so that you can actually grow your business to the best you can. And you might not need to come out of pocket for as much money as you think, because you probably have some great resources all around you now that you’re just not taking advantage of. So, that’s my little bit of information today. I just rolled up to my shop and I got to get in because I got some customers here already today to discuss some stuff.

So we will get back on this again another day. And I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your week in case I don’t get to talk to you. I’m headed out of town for a couple weeks doing some stuff right now. So if I don’t get to talk to you for a couple days, then I’ll get back to you later or hopefully next week. But I think I can get back on here later this week. And yeah, go have an amazing day, have an amazing week and go and talk to the people around you and see what resources you have available and how you can use those things to help grow your business and your online presence.

All right. It’s Matt from the Business Mind Podcast. As always, if you guys have any spare time, a moment, share this website… Share this podcast with all of your friends, your families, your colleagues, and if you can get on and leave a review for me anywhere on Spotify, iTunes anywhere that you possibly can and wherever you’re listening to this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Okay, everyone again, Matt, from the Business Mind Podcast, dominates this week, make some money, don’t worry about things. All right, I’ll talk to you guys soon.