Away too long

I have been away too long and ready to get you back on track!

Matt Henderson:

Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the Business Mind Podcast. I’m Matt and I am sorry for being away for so long, but today we’re going to conquer some new stuff. Hi everyone. Matt from the Business Mind Podcast.

Okay. Welcome back everyone. I’m sorry. I have been away from the podcast for entirely too long. I literally had a lot of end of year stuff going on and then I had some unrelated work issues go on. And next thing you know, I was actually headed out of town on a vacation. I was trying to get you guys a few episodes while I was away. And to be honest, it just, things got away from me. It happens sometimes. So I wanted to come back today and get restarted with everyone and talk to you about what we’re going to be doing this year and what I had done so far this year, myself. And something I just want to start with today is a Tony Robbins quote that is pretty indicative of things for myself. And I used to say that I overestimate what I could do in a day, underestimate what I could get done in a week.

Right. And then I started to realize that honestly, that’s something. I mean, it’s true. I overestimate what I can do in a day. However, what Tony Robbins says is people over estimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade. And that speaks from somebody who has, that’s true experience there for somebody who’s been around four decades and is extremely successful. And lives probably one of the best lifestyles that in my opinion, people could live. I mean, the guys like his own island in Fiji. It’s pretty, pretty amazing.

So that being said, or island, resort, whatever. That being said, I wanted to talk today about what I thought I could get done in a year versus what I feel like is happening inside of my decade because it hasn’t even been that long. But a year ago I thought, all right, I’m going to grow a business. I’m not even sure the direction that I’m headed with it. I took a lot of just blind faith headed towards education. In educating myself, I felt that I’d be able to create a new business and start to grow an additional source of
income for myself.

But I’ll be honest. Like I started it with website design and search engine optimization and thinking that I could help small business owners much like myself. And I didn’t just get into that because I’m a small business owner and I’ll tell you what really was my catalyst for that as a small business owner, I obviously saw the ups and downs of having your own website. And with the way the internet works today and the way Google is, it’s really, really difficult for people who are not tech savvy or are not internet marketing, digital people to build their own website and actually have it found online.

I think anybody can build a website today with the new cool platforms that are out there, but to be able to actually get that website to do something and have people find you and for you to make money from that website is really difficult. And I find a lot of small business owners figuring that out a little too late. And had I not started really small with the stuff that I was working on and just trying to learn about websites, I probably would’ve had the exact same fate. Because I think a lot of the small business owners will invest a lot of money into their products, their services and everything else. And then what they do is they think that the website is going to be the easy part because all they have to do is pop their products online and then people will buy them, right?

Like that’s the magic bullet that everybody thinks is going to happen is all you have to do is put your products up and then the world will find them and they will purchase. But there’s so many websites online. The odds of somebody finding your website without the correct help is slim to none. And I proved it through building general, basic websites like any small business owner would build. And then I waited to see what would happen to it, which hey, FYI is absolutely nothing. But what I was able to do was I was able to learn from that and then take that to another level. And that’s when I started learning everything I now know about website design, user experience, and user interface, and search engine optimization, all the things that you need to know in order to have a website found online.

So now why did I get onto that huge tangent, right? I’m sure you’re asking. Well, I did it for myself, like I said, and I saw that there was little to no results from building a website for yourself and not knowing all of the other intricacies of it. So my neighbor in the building that we have one of our businesses in was a small engine mechanic. And what he did was he specialized in actually engine replacement for older vehicles. Because he’s a car guy. He loved, his name is John, he loves all the old cars, muscle cars and all the really cool stuff that it’s out there. He got a couple like older Mustangs and Falcons and really, really cool stuff.

But what I found for him was in the late 90s and early 2000s, John was seeing an immense amount of success. At that point a lot of business was still done by word of mouth, walk in, yellow pages. Things were moving online obviously, but they weren’t in full force I wouldn’t say online. So John was doing really, really well. He told me, I mean for a small, for an engine replacement shop, he was telling me back in 2000, he was doing like a million a year. And he only had maybe three employees, which is, that’s fantastic. The guy was doing really well financially for himself for what he was doing. Now fast forward 16 years. Now, John was in business another 16 years. John is no longer in business today. Now what did it mean to him? Now a lot of people are going to say, well, the world today doesn’t want muscle cars. They don’t want engine replacements. They just want these fancy new push button start and go kind of vehicles.

And that puts John out of business. Part of that is true. Part of that is true. The world’s moved on and things are a little different, but what John didn’t get was that somebody came into him and sold him on the concept of having a website back in like 2004 or something along those lines. And I took a look at John’s website eventually. And when he finally asked me about it way down the line, and what I found was that John was getting ripped off by this person. They told him that they were getting him found on Google and look at this website, they’ve got him. And I looked at his website, it had not been altered or touched since probably the year they built the website. There was not a chance that he was finding any traffic online because I looked it up.

There was no traffic going to his website and yet the person was charging him I want to say probably at $1,000 a month for a website that was not maintained, not done correctly. It was not getting him any traffic or business whatsoever. And John’s business just began to dwindle quickly. Then he wound up in debt and he almost had to file for bankruptcy. And it was just a terrible scene. And by the time he had asked me if I could offer him any assistance or give him any suggestions, it was honestly so far past the point of return that I didn’t want to take his money. Because at this point his finances were so backwards regardless of how great of a website I could provide him or a sales funnel, or marketing funnel, or leads, there was no way for him to make back the amount that he was down. And that was really, that was the catalyst for me wanting to help all the small business owners.

That was something that changed my opinion of how the world was doing things. And it made me feel like I needed to give back to people who were just like me, but didn’t have the wherewithal to know that they’re being taken advantage of. And I started Nesta Digital Marketing because I just wanted to give back to people and be able to provide outstanding service for a good price. I’m not free. I’m not the cheapest even, and I’m not going to claim to be, but I’m definitely giving the most bang for their buck. And I did it just for the sake of, I feel like people were getting taken advantage of and somebody needed to give back. So that’s how I got into all of this two years ago.

Now did I know it was going to lead me to building websites? No, I didn’t at the time. I just knew I wanted to help small business owners. Did I think it would lead me to building marketing and sales funnels? Absolutely not. I didn’t even know what they were two years ago, but it’s got me where I am today. And the cool part about it is now I have small business owners coming to ask me, can I help them? They’re asking me for help. And I thought that was amazing and because I’m so proud to be able to give back to them and assist them that it’s just, it’s been really cool. It’s been a lot of fun and exciting for me. So I gave you the Tony Robbins quote, when we started saying, you overestimate what you can do in a year, underestimate what you can do in a decade because two years ago, I wasn’t even sure where my journey was going to take me.

Now it seems like such a clearly defined path and I’m only two years in. So I got to be honest. I can’t fathom where I’m going to be in 10 years because holy cow, it just keeps growing. Now, how do I keep growing at this rate and how do I keep pushing myself and going past where I want to be is something that I listen to on Russell Brunson’s podcast, Marketing Secrets Podcast. And he was talking about his old football coach that he had back in high school. And a quote that he had said was, in life we run into a lot of hard times, I’m going to butcher this, so in life we run into a lot of hard times and things start to turn into hard work.

But it’s pushing through that hard work that has us achieve that next goal and increase our capacity for what we can do in life. So I say that because a couple years ago I couldn’t build websites, and I couldn’t do search engine optimization, and I couldn’t help small business owners. And it made me nervous when I started getting into it. But as I pushed through learning the building process of a website, boom, I learned how to build a website now, websites weren’t that big of a deal. Then I learned how to do search engine optimization. That became not that big of a deal. I started doing user design and user interface. That started not being that big of a deal. Excuse me.

So why do I bring it up and why do I say all this? Because I thought two years ago, I wouldn’t be able to figure out how to make a living doing anything else other than what I was doing. But all it took was pushing past where I was and increasing my overall capacity. And as I got stuck in the past, when I got hit by something that made me nervous or gave me that fear I’ve talked about in past episodes and said like, geez, I hit this fear of, I don’t know. Instead of getting stuck there and paralyzed, I pushed through those things. And because I pushed through it increased my capacity of what I can do and what I can give and how much I can help people.

So that became a real driving factor for me to keep pushing. Because every time I did my capacity increased so much, my life started to change. So how did my life start to change from the increased capacity? Well, yeah, sure. I could do more, but that wasn’t really it. What really wound up happening was I guess unbeknownst to me, I started to have a certain level of confidence in what I do and what I was able to provide to people because I became good at it. Not great at it. I’m not the best at it. I’m really pretty good though. And since I was able to have that confidence, I was actually good at
something, what happened was it drew people over to me. People could sense that I was confident in what I was talking about and that I was confident that I could help them.

Because if I wasn’t able to help them, I’d let them know, like honestly where you are, it’s not in my wheelhouse. I have no problem telling people this isn’t what I do, but everybody I am able to help, it draws them in. I think it’s that confidence and it’s believing in myself and believing in what I’m doing and that I can help them grow their businesses and keep them from suffering the same fate that John had. And that’s what I wanted to talk to you guys about today. I wanted to tell you that you need to push through, you need to do the hard work so you can increase your overall capacity, which is going to elevate your confidence level. And it’s going to draw people to you. You won’t have to continue looking. You just have to step up and keep doing what you’re doing.

Keep pushing through, doing the hard work and deciding, Hey, look, if I want to change my life, it’s not about a discussion of changing my life. It’s taking the steps necessary and just doing that, putting in the hard work, having hard days, having failures, that’ll still happen, not going to go away. But at the end of the day, what you’re going to have is a whole new life. And you’re going to have a whole new source of income and a whole new way of looking at things and everything will be different for you. I know this because it’s happening to me and I’m just, I’m blown away and super excited to give this back to everyone because it happens. This actually takes place. I’m not different. I’m not different from you. All I did was keep pushing. What makes me different is I kept pushing.

Most people give up, most people give up. If gold miners stopped one foot before they strike gold, you know what they go home with? Nothing. But if you push through, are they going to probably wind up getting just enough to pay the bills or maybe becoming multimillionaires, billionaires, whatever?
Probably. But it’s about pushing through. They don’t push through, nothing good can happen. So that’s what I have for you guys today. I hope that it provided some bit of confidence for everybody out there. I gave you a little bit of a boost to go and keep pushing through, gain your confidence. You’re going to overestimate what you can get done this year, but think about it. Don’t underestimate what you can do in a decade, because that’s going to be the big factor here. I realize it’s not about what I can do today.

It’s about if I keep pushing through today, and tomorrow, and the week ahead, and the year ahead, and next thing you know in a decade, I’m going to be a different person with a different outcome. And I’m going to be living a much better life. So I want that for everybody out there. I hope that provided a little bit of something for you guys today. Hope you have an amazing Friday, because it is Friday for me here. I’m sorry for being away for so long. And I will be back on and a little more consistent, a lot more
consistent, because I want you guys to have all this information I have and I’m eager to share.

All right, everyone, enjoy your weekend and I will talk to you again soon. Matt, from the Business Mind Podcast. Hey, if you guys are getting any help from this or you’re enjoying the podcast, please take a screenshot. Share this episode on your social media or to wherever you guys are hanging out and doing your stuff. Just tell people about me and tell them about this podcast and maybe, just maybe we can help them get somewhere too. All right, everyone. I will talk to you again soon. Matt, from the Business Mind Podcast. If you have any questions, you need any assistance with your business, Matt, [email protected]. Talk to you guys again soon.