Do you feel stuck?

Are you stuck on the treadmill just churning through the days?

Matthew Henderson:

Good morning, everyone. How often do you feel like you keep pushing and you’re not sure where things are headed?

This is Matt from The Business Mind Podcast, and it is an amazing Monday morning. We’re starting out the week, positive energy, good thoughts, and headed towards money.

All right, everyone. So how often is that happening to you where you feel like you’re churning and churning, but you’re not sure exactly where you’re headed? Let me explain a little further. You’re working on your business. You’re working on coming up with an idea for a business. You’re trying to figure out where the next step is or where you head to. What is going to make you the money? How are you going to live a better life? Are you going to be more comfortable every day? What’s going to make your spouse or your significant other happy, right? And then, you feel like you just keep doing those same things every single day. And you’re not getting there.

Maybe you’ve already started your business, and you’re just working it and working and working, working. You’re not really seeing that progress. Maybe you’ve been taking some of the steps that we’ve been talking about here. And now you’re saying, “Well, Matt, I don’t see anything happening.” Well, that is 100% completely normal. That is the name of the game. Most people, what they do is they stop right where you’re at as soon as things get hard, or as soon as they don’t see a result.

Everyone in today’s world, we live in a society that everyone expects everything now. And I’m assuming down the line, they’ll call us like the current generation or the current economy. Everything that you want and everything you’ve ever asked, you can ask for, you basically can get now in sometimes hours, at most days. Back when I was a kid, it was… If you really wanted something and you purchased it, let’s say, if it was a mail order situation, you might get it in a few weeks. Now with Amazon, you get it in some places a few hours, same day delivery and stuff.

So it’s hard for us to get outside of that feeling of when I decide I want something, I get it now, because in business that’s not how it works. Unfortunately, we can make all the decisions we want and decide that now is the moment for that process to happen, or that business to take place, or the start of something new, or the growth of whatever you want. But you have to ride the whole thing out. You’ve got to take that business, that idea, the concept, whatever you’re working on, and you’ve got to take it all the way to fruition.

And in entrepreneurial life, I don’t feel like a lot of people today are doing that because what they do is they’re on social media, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, what have you. And what they see is all these people who are younger and are their age, and they’re driving fancy cars. They’ve got a Lamborghini. They’ve got a Bentley. They’ve got whatever, Ferraris. And it’s like, “Wow, I can’t believe I’m working this hard and I’m not getting anywhere near where these people are. Yet these guys, whatever this girl is, are 30 and they’re multimillionaires.”

Well, don’t hate that people are there already. Honestly, I wouldn’t even necessarily believe that they’re there already. Sometimes it’s just, that’s where that social media generation’s going is. They’re fake it until you make it on another level, unfortunately. But don’t hate on them because even if they are at that point already, what they did was they churn through all of the times that you’re going through right now. They had those meager times where there was no money. They had the moments of feeling like this is going nowhere, and they pushed through it.

And that’s something that everyone struggles with. I struggle with it a lot. There have been a lot of times over the last few years where I felt, what’s this all for? What am I doing it for? At what point am I going to see any inkling of success? And what do I consider success? And here’s the biggest issue is, most of us, as you’re going through the process, your ideas of success and what you deem as success, they change. So 20 years ago, success might have been whatever your first year salary out of school is. And would that be acceptable for you? And 30 years ago is probably, I don’t even know. Probably like $25,000 or something like that. And success would be maybe making just more than that back then.

But what’s your idea of success now? Maybe the best thing to do would be to write it down, note it. And then, in a year from now, when you’re questioning what your path is, or that this path is going to… That you’re going to reach a level of success that you’re looking for, maybe go back and read what you considered success today. And then, a year from now, when you can see how much your ideas of success have changed. I can tell you in just the last year, my ideas of success have changed. And most of the time it’s because I reached a threshold where I probably would’ve considered this success two years ago. But today I consider it just churning.

So that’s what I want everyone to focus on is figure out what you consider or what you deem success today. Write it down. Make a note for yourself. And then, when your future self is thinking, “Oh my gosh, I just am churning through this. Nothing’s growing. It’s not turning into what I was hoping for.” Whatever starts to create that doubt in your mind, because it’s going to happen. It happens to all of us. But whatever creates that doubt, then at that point, take a look back.

All right. You know what? I wrote down a year ago exactly what I thought success would mean to me. Now, was I overshooting what success can really be? Or maybe am I doing that now? Did I reach that level of success that I wrote down a year ago? And I didn’t even celebrate that moment. Now, I’ve moved on and I’m pushing to what my new idea of success is. That happens to us all the time. It happens to me constantly. I don’t celebrate the wins that I should have, like most of us don’t. And then, I essentially change what I would consider success. And some things that a decade ago, I would’ve considered massive success, I take for granted today, or I did take for granted. Now, I no longer do because I’ve looked back and said, “Wow, I didn’t think I would get to this point.”

Two decades ago, I would’ve considered this the pinnacle of things. But you change as you grow and you need to reassess and reevaluate what your goals are. And then, the only way you can do that is by writing them down, managing your goals, seeing the successes, celebrating them, and then know that you’re not just churning today. You’re not just churning. It seems like it today, but that means you’re on the right path. Because you know what? It takes a lot of hard work. It’s going to take a lot of hard days, weeks, months, years of pushing through things. You don’t become an expert overnight.

I know everybody out there today, they like to claim themselves as an expert in pretty much everything. You’ve done video work on your cell phone for about a week, and you like to consider yourself an expert on video editing and all social media marketing and advertising. Okay, there’s some people that that might actually be true. I don’t think it will happen in a week. But everybody out there can’t be a social media marketing expert. Every person can’t be a construction expert. Everybody’s got their thing. And I’m just saying build towards yours, stay on the path towards it. Get to the point that you are actually an expert, then claim that you’re an expert. Don’t be that person before you ever get there. Don’t claim it until you’re there. Early claiming things and then falling flat on your face, they’ll get you forgotten about really quickly as well.

So just remember there’s a long churning process to this. It doesn’t happen overnight. It may once it starts to really catch fire, it might really start to spread. But until you reach that point, there’s going to be a lot of churning that happens. And I don’t want you to lose touch with the fact that this is all happening for you and you are going to be successful. It just means that today, you got to work a little bit harder to get where you need to get.

Okay. So that’s where I’m going to wrap this up for today. If you guys could, I have to ask you a favor. Wherever you’re consuming this information, wherever you’re listening to this podcast, any place you’re getting this, please go on and leave me a review. Leave me a review. Tell your friends, your family about it. Tell them how amazing The Business Mind Podcast is, how motivational this guy, Matt, is in the morning. Oh man, sorry, I had to. But seriously, if you could just tell some people about it, get them involved, have them listen, subscribe. Wherever you’re listening to this, subscribe to it so you see when a new episode comes out, because I would love to share them all with you.

But yeah, subscribe where you’re at. Leave a message. And if you need any assistance with your business, getting started, or any of the above, definitely get in touch with me. That’s [email protected]. And I will gladly take a look at things for you and see what we can do to get your business up and functioning at the highest level possible.

Okay. I hope you all have an awesome week. Go out and excel today. Be successful, be mindful of what’s going on, and don’t get lost in the churning of how business gets started. All right. Have an awesome day. It’s Matt from The Business Mind Podcast, and I’ll talk to everyone again soon.