Are you following you path to success

There is a path and if you don’t follow you may not get there.

matthew henderson:

Good morning, Business Mind Podcast listeners. It’s Matt. And I wanted to ask you, are you following your path to success?

matthew henderson:

Today, I wanted to talk to everybody about your path to success and are you following it? And I know I’ve talked about a bunch of different ideas, not even ideas, but just different ways to achieve your success. But the easiest way to move from where you currently are in your job, your life, your career, and especially if you’re working for someone else, I think the case for a lot of people, is to try and start your side hustle through your current job. Now, I know that sounds ridiculous. It seems like a lot of people would say, “I don’t even know how you’re going to get there from where you’re at.” But hear me out. Solet’s just say you’ve got a job working for a company. Let me explain it this way, I’ll make it a little easier. That was going to get really confusing.

For myself, when I wanted to start getting into digital marketing and digital advertising in internet marketing, I obviously started to do a lot of learning on my own. That’s what’s required. You have to do a ton of education on your own and figure out how to do things and is it the right fit for you and where are you going with it and so on and so forth. So that’s what I did. I started out on that path to figure out is this the right path for me? Is this the actual job that I want to do? Or is there another job I want to do? Should I be checking those out? So what I did was I started researching, for me, it was internet marketing and digital marketing was really where I wanted to go.

I love helping businesses and I personally love helping small businesses achieve large goals. And I know that probably seems obvious, who doesn’t like to help businesses? But I think there’s a lot of people who don’t, but for me, what I really wanted to do was I wanted to help businesses, the size of the one I’m currently a part owner in, and I wanted to help out even larger companies, but how do you get a start if you’re nobody? And that’s where I kept hitting the roadblock, at least in my head was that I didn’t know how to even get my start since I wasn’t anybody in the game yet. So what I did was like I said, I went out on a learning spree on my own and yes, it cost me money. I was willing to pay for my own education and it’s something I’ve talked to everybody on the podcast about, making sure to continue your own education so that you can excel in your own career.

Or you can push ahead in the area that you want to be or in the job that you want to be, in the market you’d like to work in. But if you don’t continuously educate yourself, then why’s anybody going to give you a shot? So what I do is I took some time and I educated myself. It was approximately six months, but it wasn’t six months of just learning a little bit here and there reading an article or two, it was six months of working it as though it was a second job that was more important than my current job. And I don’t mean that I gave up anything or slacked at all at my current position at the company, but what I did do is I came home and I put in that exact same effort I did all day long.

I came home and I replicated at night with digital marketing and internet marketing and learning and my education. And I did it before and after work and gained some knowledge. So I could least speak intelligently about what was exciting me. Now, the twofold side of this is one, I was able to educate myself and learn. Two, I was able to figure out whether this is something I really enjoyed. It sounded like a great plan, but did I actually like what I was doing? Did I like where it was going to go? Do I enjoy spending my day doing that? And that’s a big part of it because so many times I’ve thought, “Oh, X, Y, or Z might be a great path for me.” But then when I looked further into it, it actually just was not my cup of tea.

I say that, even in the sense of when I had that taxi company, I told you about it, it was a much better plan and job for me than my job that I was at. So when I switched over, I was extremely happy to be there. But after some time of learning being a taxi cab company owner was all about, it really wasn’t for me. It was just the type of business it was, the industry was in, everything about it, it just wasn’t me. Now, it was fine for the time that I was there. It really was a nice transition for me into the world of being an entrepreneur. However, it just wasn’t going to be where I stayed and did my business for the rest of my life.

That’s why I say take the opportunity. There, I just jumped in head first into the deep end and I was involved in the business and that’s just it. Well, this time I took the educated approach and got myself educated on the topic, learned as much as I could about it, and then decided like, “Man, do I love this?” Okay. Now what I was able to do was I went into my job and I started talking about it and I started telling people about it and I started introducing everyone at my place of business about what digital marketing was, why it was important to us, how it’s going to benefit us going forward? And once I was able to really talk to them about it, they didn’t just get excited about it. I got excited about it.

And that was the cool part, because I didn’t want to just excite them about it. I wanted to make sure this is right for me still. I got excited about it. And then what I wanted to do was then I just needed to prove it to them. So I kept moving forward in my goal of becoming further educated and pushing and utilizing all of the stuff that I had now learned. And I started building funnels for my business and I talked to my business partners about it and I said, “Hey guys, listen, I believe this is our future as far as growing our company. And this is how we’re going to get from where we are to where we want to be. And this is my strategy.” And what I do is I went home and I just built out a funnel for them.

I educated myself on the topic. I talked to my business partners, but it could be your boss, it could be your team manager, whoever it is. And then I went ahead and for free on my own time, built out the funnel, showed it to them, everybody went nuts. They were so excited about it. They didn’t even realize these were our options for us. Now, in the past few weeks, we saw sales dip and in order to spark sales, you know what happened? Everybody came to me and asked me if I would do some more funnels. So for me, I was able to learn what I wanted to do for a living. Then I was able to talk to my business partners or for you guys, might be a boss. It might be a colleague.

And then I was able to start implementing what I was learning into my job. And then eventually I will turn it from a part of this job to my only job. And it’ll all be done with just six months of me doing learning on my own. So I came out of pocket for a little bit of money in order to educate myself. And now I’m going to get paid to educate myself even further and see real world applications of what I’ve been trying to accomplish. So I’ll get the experience that I need to do this job. I’ll have the education behind me already, which I will never stop. I’ll continuously educate myself daily, like I do. And then I’m going to get paid to learn and create money for a company. And honestly, this business that I’m involved in, will become my first case study as far as how a sales funnel can change your business.

So you know, I went from education to creating my first review and my first case study for myself so that I can grow my digital marketing business. So I hope you guys are seeing what I’m talking about. I hope I didn’t make that too confusing because I feel like I did a little bit. And if so, I apologize. Feel free to email me. If you have questions about it, matt@theclickfunnelguru or [email protected]. That is my business email now, and Nesta Digital is the digital marketing company that we’re working on. So that’s why I want to tell you guys, take the time, get your education, you don’t have to go and just throw yourself at work and say, “Hey, pay me to do this job for you even though I have no education in it.”

Go in with a strong understanding and a really good approach to what you’re going to do for the company. Tell them how you’re going to change their lives and how you’re going to change their businesses for the better. And then go ahead and do it for them for free. I know when I heard about doing it for free, initially, that sounded nuts to me, but how are you ever going to get the experience if you just don’t take a few lumps on the head? You have to just get your experience first. So that way you can go out with a case study of… listen, this is what I’ve done for other people. This is how successful it was for them. And this is how they’ve done going forward.

So that’s my lesson for today. This is how you get into doing what you want to do for the rest of your life and getting paid for part of the time to learn how to do it and to create your case studies. Okay. So if you guys get a few minutes today and you can go on to iTunes or Spotify and leave me a review, that would be awesome. I would love it. It’s The Business Mind Podcast on both of those, please look it up, listen to all the episodes, because there’s some serious nuggets of information here and knowledge. And if you listen to all of them, which if you’re only listening on iTunes, you’re missing out on a whole bunch of them because I can’t get them moved over yet, but they are all on Spotify if you have time to look them up on there, you can always listen on Spotify. But just please leave me a review and let me know what you think of the podcast and how you like the episodes.

And if you are looking to have any episodes done for you, you’d like to hear a little bit more about something, email me, [email protected]. And I’ll discuss with you what you guys are looking to hear about and see if I can have any problems. And if you guys need any assistance with your companies and you’re looking for someone to come in and give you a hand, I do sales funnels, any kind of things to do with your small business. I can handle all that. Obviously, digital marketing being my strongest point. Okay. So if you guys need any help, please let me know. I’ll be there to help you out. And for the rest of the time, start working out your path. It didn’t always seem so clear to me, but man, I’ll tell you today, it seems like I don’t know how I didn’t see it in the first place. All right. I will talk to you guys again soon and have an awesome weekend.