Invest in yourself

How are your investments going?

matthew henderson:

Good morning Business Mind Podcast listeners. It’s Monday morning. And how are your investments going?

I read an amazing quote this morning by Benjamin Franklin. And it says, “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” I hope I didn’t blow that apart, but it rang so true because of how in depth you have to go into learning in order to accomplish all of the things that you want to get through in your business and your life and to just crush your goals throughout your career and with your family and just everywhere. So I found it very interesting because over the past couple years, I’ve made some pretty big investments into my knowledge and that’s I guess why this rang so true for me is because I do believe that I would’ve said five years ago, I would not have felt as moved by this quote as I do today.

And I honestly wish I had felt more pulled by something like this back then, because the investments that I have made into my own knowledge, they 100% have given me the best return on my investment. And if that’s something that you guys don’t feel for yourselves, then I have to challenge you to actually take a step and pick your next growth, your next piece that you’re going to educate yourself on. How are you going to gain more knowledge today? Maybe this month, this week, this year. What’s the plan from now to the end of the year? I don’t know when you guys are listening to this. But here it’s the new made up holiday from China… It’s Single’s Day here. It’s 11, 11 totally made up day. But what piece of information are you going to educate yourself with today that’s going to change your life, that’s going to help you grow, that’s going to bring back the interest that you need?

And I mean, physically a return. So I want you to think about it. We’re not going to make this a long episode today because I feel like it’s such an impactful quote that I really want you to think about how you’re investing in your knowledge. And then are you really looking at the return that you’re getting back from it? Because it is the best return on your investment you can make is investing in your own knowledge, your own skills and just honestly in yourself, and in better yourself and your future and your family and everything. And I sound excited about it, but it’s because I am excited about this. I’m excited how much I’ve grown over the past few years.

And that’s why I say I wish I had taken that time to really say, “Man, I need to buckle down,” five years before I did, 10 years before I did. Because to me, there’s never a time that’s too soon to start educating yourself, becoming knowledgeable and investing in your future and in your life and what you want to create for yourself. And that’s what you’re going to get from an investment into your own knowledge and into growing yourself. So that’s what I want to give you today. I want everyone to really think about what you’re doing to educate yourself, grow your knowledge base. And what are your returns on that knowledge? How are you guys doing with that? Are you taking steps or are you just sitting by the wayside and waiting for something to just fall into your lap?

Because if that’s the case, I could save you a lot of time. It’s not going to happen. Things aren’t going to fall on your lap. People play the lottery all the time and hey, even once in a while, when I… I always tell my wife, “When I feel lucky, I’ll stop and buy a lottery ticket.” Well, it doesn’t happen very often, right? Because how often are you actually that lucky to hit a lottery ticket or throw your number into a raffle and win the raffle? But when you invest, you’re investing in yourself, you’re investing in your knowledge, you’re investing in your future. Take a look at what you get back. I’ll bet you it’s a lot more than what most of you are thinking you’re getting back. And then if you were to look at all of your investments, I think you’re missing it.

I think you’re missing what your greatest return actually is. So that’s my information for you today. That’s my little piece of the business pie today that I want to give you to get the week started off right. If it’s not Monday for you, whatever day it is where you are, I hope that you are just crushing it and taking advantage of everything you have at your fingertips and investing in yourself. In today’s world, there’s never been an easier time to invest in your future and to find something that’s going to help you grow your business and your business acumen. All right.

This is Matt from the Business Mind Podcast. I hope that if you guys are enjoying this, you could share it with anyone. That’d be great. If you’re on iTunes and you haven’t heard all the episodes, maybe check out Spotify. I do have a number of great episodes over there that I might… if I can’t get them to switch over to iTunes, I might just start redoing some of them for you guys. All right. I hope you have an amazing week. If you need to get in contact with me regarding anything you can check me out at [email protected]. I will talk to you guys soon. Have an amazing week.