Focus and obtain

You become what you focus on

matthew henderson:

Good morning, Business Mind podcast listeners. Are you becoming what you focus on? I have one map from the Business Mind podcast.

Today I wanted to talk about an idea and it’s very similar to a previous thing that I had spoken about. But it was a quote that I heard and now I am in the car and I’ve completely forgotten where it came from, but that’s okay. We’ll touch back on it at some other point. But you become what you focus on. And if you think about that, think about where you are in your journey and what your targets have been. What have you been focusing on while you’re trying to achieve your goals and accomplish your dreams?

And maybe it’s in life you wanted to be the father, or the parent, or the wife, or girlfriend, or boyfriend that you always wanted to be and that’s great. But the idea is what you focus on is what you become. And it’s like what Tony Robbins always said, which is where your focus goes, your energy flows. And it’s not too dissimilar. What you want to be, if you’re focused on that, you will become.

And that’s been an important part of my personal journey in working towards becoming a digital marketer. And when I was younger working to become the entrepreneur that I knew I was supposed to always be in life. And I hope that everyone out there is taking those same steps because what I see all too often is that people have this, I think everyone has a notion in their head of what they saw their future being, or they saw themselves doing in life, or that person they see themselves together with. Whatever your vision is for where you’re going in life.

But how focused are you on the exact things that you need to do to get to that point? How focused are you on your goal of getting to that point in your life, or your career, or your business, job, whatever it is? Because I think a lot of the time what’s happening is you have the notion, it excites you for a moment and then it passes. And then a lot of time goes by and people never figure out exactly what the steps were, but they know where they want to be.

And some of that, I believe comes if, let’s just say, you’re focused on meeting someone and finding the person of your dreams, that person you’ve always known that you were supposed to be with. And this life that you’re supposed to be living. Well, I think a lot of times people focus on those things when they’re in an environment or a time that they see that all the time.

And now, what I mean by that is, it’s around the holidays, it’s around your birthday. It’s Valentine’s Day. People are really focused on it and that’s when they realize, “Geez, that’s what I want. Or that’s what I’ve been looking for. And now I’m not there yet. And it’s sad.” And they get upset about it, but they know that that’s where they want to be.

And then what happens is that time passes. That day passes, the holiday goes by. And then, the focus goes away. And that’s part of the issue is it’s not too dissimilar with your business career, your entrepreneurial path, your business you’re starting, whatever it is. The business you’re growing doesn’t matter. Being an executive at the company you work for. Anything it is, if you’re not focused on it, you’re not going to get there.

And those moments of focus, a lot of times I find, come from a point of jealousy or of just wanting what others have. The example of it being during the holiday or Valentine’s Day or whatever it may be when you see others together and then you want to be together with somebody else? Well, where I live, it’s a fairly affluent area. Not that I’m affluent, but a lot of the people live around here, they’re second homes for these people.

And so, it’s hard when you drive around and every other day, or every day, I guess I should say, you’re seeing cars that, in some parts of the country, you would never see. But here they’re just common place. And that’s, how often does everybody drive past Ferrari and Lamborghini and Bentleys, whatever? All these really fancy cars are well around here, they sit at used car dealerships and new car dealerships, because everybody seems to just have one.

But that keeps the money focused there. But do you want those things just because other people have them or do you want them because that’s the goal you have for yourself? And that’s why I say, don’t look for those things and get stuck wanting them just out of a place of jealousy or out of envy. Because that’s not the best path to take to get there. You don’t want to be envious of other people. You need to decide what it is you want. What’s going to be that fulfilling thing for you in your life. And then if that’s your fulfilling thing, then you focus on and get it.

And just too often, people see something, they want it. And I hear and see them talking down about the person who’s driving that fancy car, or lives in that big house, or has the significant other that they always wanted, whatever it is. And the person who doesn’t have it, has this negative attitude towards them, instead of just saying, “Well, you know what? I want that same thing. I need to focus on that so that I can get that.”

And I’m not saying to become a stalker and go after this person that you think you are supposed to be with, that you’re supposed to have been with. I’m just saying, focusing on putting yourself out there maybe, and meeting people will help get you towards the goal of finding that right person in life. Or just focusing on your business and your next advertising thing, your next marketing thing, your next sales funnel. Whatever it is, it’s finding that thing that you’ve always wanted, focusing on it, attaining it, watching it grow.

That’s my piece of the pie for you guys today. And I hope that it sparks a little something with some of you guys and lets you know, there is a path out there for you. You need to just focus on it and go after it and get it. Don’t don’t sit back and just think, “Well, why does that other person have it and I don’t? That’s not the right way to look at this. It’s not, “Why do they have it and I don’t?” It’s, “What are they doing that I’m not? What are they willing to sacrifice in order to get that, that I wasn’t?” And maybe that’ll get you there.

But if you need any help, you need any assistance, you want me to talk about something a little more on the podcast, email me [email protected] or [email protected] and I’ll get back to you. We’ll figure out something that we can put together for you to help you grow. Or if you just need a little assistance with your business, let me know. I’ll be glad to give you any advice that I possibly can, that would help take you to the next level.

And wherever you’re listening to this, if you could leave me a review, let others know about it. Get on Facebook, tell your friends, your family, your colleagues, “Hey, this guy with the Business Mind podcast is crushing it and I think you should listen to it.” That would be awesome. All right. In the interim, I hope everyone has an amazing day. Here, we started the day at 50 something and it’s not even noon and we’re already down to 39 degrees. Apparently it’s going to be freezing here. Wish me luck. Hope I stay warm. And you guys get out there and crush today. I’ll talk to you guys soon. Matt, from the Business Mind podcast.