Finding your limits

Until the last few years I thought I was doing all I could to get ahead in business. Then I found my true potential! Time to find yours…

Matt Henderson
Hey, everyone. It’s Matt from The Business Mind Podcast. Welcome back. Very happy to be here with you. I’ve been a little off the podcasting for a couple of weeks because I’ve been pushing myself, and unfortunately, excuse me, not just with podcasting, but with some other stuff. And that’s kind of what this episode’s going to be about today, is when’s the last time you thought you actually pushed yourself to the limit? Because I’ll tell you, over the last 12 months, like most of you, it’s been so weird and crazy. We’ve all felt pushed to our limits. And if you’re just like me and you’re like anybody else out there right now, I’m sure you’ve been feeling it, and it’s okay.

But I want to let you also know that this is a moment in time that I feel like people are feeling like they’re getting pushed. They’re getting pushed to what they think is probably their limit. And that’s what I really want to discuss with you today, because have you really pushed yourself to your limit? And what would you call that limit for yourself? Now, why do I bring it up? You know, obviously with the strange year we’ve had, it’s a relevant thing for us to be talking about. And I’m sure everybody’s business has been stressed, and you’ve been stressed if you were out of your job, you didn’t have some place to go to.

But the interesting thing is most of us think we’re doing everything we can. And for so many years, honestly, I thought I was doing everything I could, as well, to really push myself to another level, and try to grow. And for so much of that time, I wasn’t pushing myself to the limit I am now. And I say that because I’ve finally, for today, for this point in my life and my career, I figured out exactly how far I can push myself. And I’ll tell you, I had so much more to go, and yet I thought I was already at a max performance rate. I really thought that I was doing everything I could possibly do in a day, and I wasn’t wasting a minute of time, and people need to have this time to sit down and relax and watch TV and do all that.

But to be honest with you guys, do you need to watch TV? Do you really need to catch up on your shows? What have those shows done for you? Now, it’s one thing if you’re, say, watching a business related show, and you’re saying that, well, it teaches me business stuff, right? Say Shark Tank, for some people. They go on there, they watch, and you learn, and it’s super cool. But for the rest of you guys, like when you’re watching whatever it is, Real Housewives or a dating show, or who knows, whatever, MacGyver, do you need to catch up? Do you actually need, need, listen to what I’m saying, you need to see what’s there? Without it, your life will fail. Now, some people actually believe that.

But the difference between me and those people is I’m not the one who’s going to sit around and then at the end of the month complain that I’m having a tough time covering my bills. You know why? I didn’t sit down and spend the extra time that I had watching TV or playing a video game or going out and sitting at the bar and drinking with my buddies or something. Because that’s what people are doing with their time. Now, I’m not saying don’t relax. I’m not saying don’t take time for yourself. You need to take time for yourself. I am not the best at doing that, and I’ll fully admit it, and that’s all right. I’m actively aware of it and working on it.

So when it comes to you guys, have you truly pushed yourself? Many episodes ago, we talked about getting uncomfortable. How uncomfortable have you gotten since that episode? If you haven’t heard that episode, you have to go back. You have to listen to that one, because you’ll understand why I’m even talking to you guys like this today. Because people think they are at their best. They’re doing everything they can. And then I see them sit on their phone for hours on end and scroll through whatever, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, whatever it is today. And then they’re the same people reposting those things to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok. Oh, look at me. Look at me, look at what I found.

What did you learn from that? How did it enrich your life? How did it change what’s going on for you daily? How did it positively affect your bills? Did you feel more comfortable? Were you comfortable this month? Do you feel like you’ve reached your capacity and you no longer need more money? Now, I’m not saying life’s all about money, but if you’re like most people around the world, they’re struggling to make ends meet, struggling. And I know because I’ve been mentoring a couple people, and I had some people who were following me, and we were discussing some stuff and they said, “Well, what’s the difference between where you’re at, Matt, and where I’m at, and how could I get to where you are?”

And that’s a difficult question because not everybody’s always in the same spot in life, and I’m well aware of that. So for those who aren’t quite there yet and for whatever reason, you’re just not mentally set on getting to that point yet, it’s okay, you’re going to get there. But for those of you who are actually asking that question, what’s different, how did you get there and I’m here, why are things happening different for you than they are for me, and the only answer I’m going to be able to give you that is honest is the same thing that actually happened to me. I actually struggled and continued to struggle and struggle and struggle. And I kept telling myself, well, I’m doing the best I can. I can’t work any more than I’m currently working. I don’t have enough money to move forward. These are the things I kept saying. I don’t have enough money to start a business. I don’t know what to do. Well if I choose the wrong thing and I waste my money, then I’ll be further in debt. That’s literally what happened.

And I had one of the people reach out to me that I’ve been working with, and they said, you know, like I said, what can I do to start moving forward faster? And my honest answer was, you need to invest in yourself. Now, I’m not saying you need to go out and spend $10,000 buying a course or something. You don’t. But you need to invest in yourself. You need to educate yourself. You need to figure out what your thing is and then scale on it. You need to take it to another level where you can say, holy cow, look at what I’ve just achieved and what I’m capable of. Make yourself these mini steps and mini successes that you can actually reach and go after. And that’s what you want to do.

That’s exactly what I did. I made one investment, one first investment, one initial investment, and it was not cheap. It wasn’t cheap. I could have picked a cheaper one, I could have picked a less expensive one, but I went with this first, and it has paid back. It has paid back all of its money and then some, in a very short amount of time, actually. Now, it’s because I applied everything I learned, but the second that I finished learning that one thing, I went on to learning funnels and marketing and strategy, implementation, everything, everything. I learned how to properly build out a business, not just how to buy a .com and set up an LLC. No, no, no. Like actually how to set up a business, how to give people a process that they go through when they come and they visit my sites. From the day they find me to the day that they decide to buy something from you, what’s that process? See, and I never had that process before, but that’s what I learned from just taking small steps and investing in myself.

And it took pushing so hard. I mean, so hard. And it still happens today. And I mean, last night I was up till almost four o’clock in the morning and then back up at seven so that I could get everything done I needed to. That sounds excessive, right? It is excessive. I don’t do that all the time. Honestly, I hope to stop doing things like that altogether, but sometimes that’s just what has to take place. So what’s your level of commitment? What level are you pushing yourself to, and how hard would you say you’re actually pushing? Do you feel like you’re going to fall over? Like, if I were to do one more thing, I might not physically make it? Okay, maybe you’ve gone too far. I’ll give you that one. You’ve gone too far. Back it off a little bit.

But think about what I just said. There are people who feel that way. They push themselves to that point. I pushed myself to that point. That’s how I know it’s too far. And I backed off. Now, I’m not saying that was right. I’m not saying that’s good advice. It’s not good advice. But what I am telling you is there is a whole another level of success out there based on what you’re willing to put into it. And it’s not coming without excessive amounts of work and learning and just pushing yourself. So that’s my suggestion to you guys. Start figuring that out for yourselves. Where is that for you? Where is your learning? Where is your level? Where is the, I can’t do any more than this, or no way, I physically don’t have any more time in the day?

I thought I didn’t have any more time in the day. And you know what I did to get more of it? This will blow your mind. Turned off the TV. That’s it. That was it. You know how much more time was freed up? Insane. Hours. I don’t watch the news. I don’t watch TV at night anymore. And now it’s like an occasion. Maybe I’ll watch a half hour, one hour of TV late at night when I’m just trying to turn it off and take it down for the evening and not be thinking about business for a little bit, but that’s it. There’s no reason to go any further than that. You don’t have to be going any crazier than that with your time on TV or the time on your phone or your laptop, your iPad, whatever it is. Put the devices down unless you’re working on them.

If your computer or your laptop isn’t a work device, then think about what you’re doing with it. If you’re playing games on it, I’m going to go ahead and tell you, you’re not pushing hard enough. If you have time to play games all day, like more than say a half hour’s worth of video games, you’re not pushing hard enough. If you don’t get paid for playing video games, I’m going to question whether you should probably even bother. Maybe just think about that. Think about where could I get if I opened up all that time and I pushed myself to what I think is my max capacity?

So that’s my suggestion for you guys today. I want you to find your limits. I want you to see where you can get to, where you’re going to go, and figure out your next steps, because it’s out there. It’s all within your reach, but it’s going to take that next level of commitment, of pushing yourself, and of really going down the rabbit hole and getting serious with your life and serious with your time. All right, everyone, Matt from The Business Mind Podcast. I am really happy to be back here with you guys. I appreciate you all listening. You’ve been amazing. I know I have some new listeners who just popped on, and welcome to everyone who just showed up.

And if you are out there, wherever you’re listening, I mean, if you listen, Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever it is for you, Google, please take a screenshot of this, share it. Tell people about Matt and The Business Mind Podcast. Let them know where they can come and find me. If you have any questions, shoot me an email, [email protected], and I will surely help you out. All right, guys, I look forward to talking to you again soon, and I hope you have an amazing week. Miss you guys.