Why I fired my Doctor today!

You heard me right I fired my doctor and maybe you should do the same!

Matt Henderson (00:06):
Hello, Business Mind podcast listeners. It’s Matt Henderson. Welcome to the show. We’ve had some exciting weeks and that would be why I haven’t been able to get on to talk to you guys a little bit, because things have been going crazy. And I mean that in all of the best ways.

Matt Henderson (00:22):
But I want to talk to you today about why I had to fire my doctor this morning. It’s a little bit of a rant. But, let’s talk about this. And you may need to fire yours as well. Maybe not your doctor, I don’t know, but you’ll see what I’m talking about in the second here.

Matt Henderson (00:39):
So, we’ve done episodes about time management. We’ve talked about coveting your time, and taking your time very seriously. Well, as I’ve gone further down the path into being a digital marketer and furthering my entrepreneurial career, my time has become even more precious to me.

Matt Henderson (01:01):
To the point that if you go back to the beginning of this year, which is 2021, you’ll hear in January I did an episode about using planners. The way that one has changed my life is I’ve never actually been able to successfully use planners that were time based. Meaning, not just writing out your future goals, but actually planning out your entire day not necessarily minute to minute, but for me, I do it from hour to hour and sometimes even half hour at a time.

Matt Henderson (01:35):
So, why do I do that? Well, it’s because I take my time very seriously, and that was something I needed to really focus on because if I don’t take my time seriously and you don’t take your time seriously, nobody else is either, and that’s the concern. If others aren’t taking your time seriously, then they’re going to waste it.

Matt Henderson (01:56):
If you waste your time, your energy, your resources, then when you have a moment, or when you should have a moment to really attack something and aggressively go after it, you’re going to find that you don’t have the energy, or that time has now been wasted by doing something that maybe necessarily didn’t benefit you at all.

Matt Henderson (02:15):
So, why does this come up today? All right. So, I’ll tell you. I have a new doctor that I’ve been speaking with, and in the world of Teladoc, it’s one of those things where I’m not going into the office though, because of COVID. And the Teladoc appointments, my first appointment with the doctor went fine. Actually, it started 20 minutes late. And I thought, oh, they’re just having an off day.

Matt Henderson (02:48):
The second appointment I had with the doctor was 40. Four zero. 40 minutes late. At which point, I let the doctor know on that call that this was an unacceptable occurrence. I have schedules, I have clients to meet, I have places to be. I cannot be sitting for a phone call and waiting for 40 minutes in the hopes that somebody actually does their job.

Matt Henderson (03:20):
Amazingly enough, midweek, I had another appointment. I was supposed to have an appointment on Wednesday of this week. It’s currently Friday. Supposed to have another appointment on Wednesday, and when my wife was nice enough to call and verify that all of my appointments were on schedule for the day on Wednesday, when she got to the doctor’s appointment, they chuckled and said they were running behind. “It’d be late, but they’ll get it done.”

Matt Henderson (03:51):
Well, I had already talked to the doctor about this and let them know that’s not an acceptable thing. This is a Teladoc, so these are things where somebody just needs to pick up a phone or sit in front of a computer, whichever it may be, and just take the call. And here what they were doing was they were just “running late”, and it was like a joke to them.

Matt Henderson (04:17):
So, my wife let me know this is not a joke. You’ll need to reschedule with him. He does not have time to sit around and wait for you guys to finally get to it today. So, long story short. Today’s meeting with the doctor, another Teladoc appointment. Doctor asked me, “Well, why did you cancel the appointment on Wednesday?” And I said, “Because your office is not running on schedule and I’ve already let you know one time before, you either run on schedule or you have to reschedule with me. That’s how it is. I have appointments all day, and if people aren’t making them, then they reschedule with me, that’s how I consider my time used wisely.”

Matt Henderson (04:57):
So, the doctor said, “Well, but we had a meeting.” And I said, “I understand. You did not, you did not show up on time and you were not going to be able to show up on time, so therefore you needed to reschedule with me. It’s how I treat all clients. It doesn’t matter what appointment it is. If you’re not able to meet it, then we need to reschedule.”

Matt Henderson (05:17):
And the doctor seemed to get a little aggravated with me. And I would understand because the doctor was probably thinking, “Hey, this is a lot of money from me and you just canceled as though it doesn’t matter.”

Matt Henderson (05:34):
And at that point, when they made a comment negatively about me rescheduling the appointment, I had to let them know at that point that just like I respect their time, I expect and will only tolerate respect of my time, and that’s that. If you make an appointment for 9:00AM, I’ll be speaking with you at 9:00AM, or you will have to reschedule the appointment and you can waste your own time. You’re not going to waste mine.

Matt Henderson (06:09):
So, I want to give you guys, if you didn’t think you had the power to do that before, and to take your time seriously, I’m giving you permission today to take your time seriously. And it doesn’t matter who it is. It doesn’t matter if it’s a doctor, a lawyer. Honestly, I don’t care who it is. If they’re wasting your time and they’re not taking your time as seriously as you do, which if you’re an entrepreneur which you probably are if you’re listening to this podcast, if your time is not being taken seriously, and I don’t care who it is that is wasting your time, you need to cut them off, let them know they can reschedule. You don’t have to be nasty about it, but let them know. This is a rescheduled moment. You don’t get to just waste my time and then when you get the things, you get the things.

Matt Henderson (06:57):
No, no, no, no, no, no. Take your time seriously. Take your time seriously. I value my time, financially.. I think of it as, how much money am I able to create if I’m not sitting around on a phone call waiting for somebody to actually get back to me? And it’s validated by, well, if I was not waiting on the phone, then I would be doing X, Y, or Z. And that’s been going on for quite some time.

Matt Henderson (07:36):
Just like a doctor has a dollar per hour that they’re making, I’m sure. I mean, I don’t know what those numbers are. I have no idea, a few hundred dollars an hour, probably, depending on the type of doctor. Who knows, maybe it’s thousands of dollars per hour for brain surgeons, who knows. But anyway, my time, I’m pretty confident.

Matt Henderson (07:58):
When it comes to speaking with the doctor I was talking to today. I actually didn’t want to say this to them, but I’m pretty confident that I might be making more per hour than that doctor. So therefore, it might seem okay to that person that the money that they’re missing out on might be all right to them, but the amount that it’s costing me is not okay to me.

Matt Henderson (08:26):
So you see what I’m saying? Value your time. And you think, “Oh, well, I’m worth…” It doesn’t matter what the number is. Throw out $30 an hour, if that’s your number, right? If you’re worth $30 an hour, fine. And the more you up your skills, the higher your dollar per hour will become. So, when other people are not giving you, or not respecting your time, feel free to cancel them and let them know they’re going to need to reschedule with you. And then, covet your time a little better.

Matt Henderson (09:04):
Tell people, “Hey, this is how it is. My time is worth a lot of money. You need to respect that. Just like I respect yours, and we’re going to go ahead and move forward and say maybe next time.”

Matt Henderson (09:18):
So, that’s what I wanted to bring to you guys today. It doesn’t matter who it is. Honestly, if it was the President of the United States, and they’re not on time for the call, I’m going to let them know they need to reschedule. That’s how seriously I take this. I don’t care who you are. It doesn’t matter. And you shouldn’t either.

Matt Henderson (09:39):
So, if you didn’t think that you could do that before, if your doctor has told you need to show up at their office and then proceed to sit around and wait for 45 minutes to an hour for your appointment, that means that they consider their time worth more than your time, right? They’re just blowing you off, so they must.

Matt Henderson (10:02):
I give you permission to let those people know that that is no longer how the world works. There are phones, there are employees, there are people that take care of that. They can reach out and let you know that they’re running behind and it’s not going to, scheduling-wise, work out.

Matt Henderson (10:19):
If they are not able to bill as much per day because they cannot keep track of their schedule, then maybe at that point, they’ll start to notice that they need to pay more attention to the scheduling, and then they’ll make more money. But that’s it. It’s not up to you to say, “Oh, well, I guess it’s all right. I’m just going to sit around for hours on end, and whenever people get to it, they get to it. And hopefully they can meet and see me today.”

Matt Henderson (10:51):
No way, no way. I’m giving you permission to say, “This is my time. It’s important to me, it needs to be important to you. If it’s not, well, I’ll move on, find somebody who considers my time important.”

Matt Henderson (11:02):
All right, everybody. This is Matt from the Business Mind podcast. It was a little bit of a rant today, but I’m just giving you guys permission to take control of your day, do what you need to do. Don’t let others tell you how you need to run your time. All right. I miss you guys. Glad I got back on here and was able to get you an episode out today. And I have some big things coming up and I’m assuming I may be giving you that information next week, but for right now, I can’t let the cat out of the bag.

Matt Henderson (11:31):
So until next week, or maybe tomorrow, who knows, I’m going to get another episode going as soon as possible for you guys. I miss you all. And if you got anything out of this episode, please take a screenshot, share it, tell other people, email me if you need any help. It’s [email protected]. That’s NestaDigital.com. I’ll talk to you guys again soon. Have a good one.