
Where are you in you journey in business? Can you help?

Matt Henderson (00:00):
Hey everyone, Matt from the Business Mind podcast. Welcome back to this week’s episode where I wanted to talk to everybody about helping. Now I don’t mean like helping in the sense of going to the store and picking up things for people, although very helpful, especially in the time of COVID if you got somebody who doesn’t want to go to the store, who can’t get to the store, but I mean in your life and in your business life, are you helping enough people out? Because who are you? Who are you trying to be and how are you trying to get there?

Matt Henderson (00:37):
Now I bring it up because I think as most of you know if you’ve been following this podcast at all for a while, I’m a huge believer in ClickFunnels and Russell Brunson’s teachings and … Well, not just Russell’s, but I mean, Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. I mean, you name it. I’m in with every marketer that’s out there. I’ve consumed and immersed myself in everything that they have, but one topic that pretty much most of them, if not all of them, all talk about is about helping others. And I say it in the sense of not just… Not like I said helping, going to the store for people, but in business and in life. Are you helping other people get where they need to go?

Matt Henderson (01:26):
And I’ll tell you for a long time I thought how could I help people when I’m looking for help and when I need help? And I was so focused on me and where I was going to get and how I was going to get to that point, that I wasn’t really understanding the concept of helping others. And I guess what I want everybody to take away from today’s episode is that when you immerse yourself in something, when you do something on a daily basis, like say for your job, for example, right, whatever your job is or your business or whatever your thing is that you do to earn money, I’ll bet you know more about it than anybody else that you know, right? And think about it. You might doubt yourself that you know as much as other people, you might doubt that you are capable of teaching other people about what you do, but seriously, sit down and think about it for a minute.

Matt Henderson (02:31):
If you do something every single day of your life, and that’s what a job is for most of us, and you do it even proficiently. Now I mean, on this podcast we talk about overachieving so I’m not even saying you have to be the overachiever, I’m saying if you’re just proficient at doing your job every day and you’re able to accomplish all of your tasks and your goals and you go home without a weight on your shoulders of oh man, I have so much to do, then you probably do your job well. And you probably do your job a lot better than a lot of other people could do your job. And you just aren’t giving yourself the credit for it.

Matt Henderson (03:15):
I know because it’s the kind of stuff that I did for myself. I did that exact thing to myself. I would say, “Well, I can’t help others because I’m looking for help. I’m trying to get help figuring out my path.” But you know what? Once I had immersed myself in everything that I was trying to learn, I started to realize that wow, you know what? From where I started to now, I actually know a lot, and not like a lot, meaning I could get by and talk to people about what I know. I mean, a lot in the sense that I could reach back and I could offer a hand to somebody who is behind me. And that the person that … Those people that need help just catching up to where I’m at.

Matt Henderson (03:56):
And I don’t think that I’m a master, I’m not claiming to be something bigger than I am. I’m not at all. I’m just saying where I am in my life and in business is far past where a lot of entrepreneurs ever get to, and where I am now in my marketing is far past where a lot of people ever get to in marketing. So I ask you in your business, in your life, in what you do, where do you sit? Are you there? Are you far past other people and you’re just one, not giving yourself enough credit, two, you’re doubting your abilities, three, you don’t think anybody wants your help?

Matt Henderson (04:42):
Well, you know what? Think back to when you started, were you looking for help, be it a mentor, just someone to listen to you, someone to give you even the smallest piece of advice, just the one thing that might jump you ahead that day. Maybe you were struggling on … It doesn’t matter what it is, opening an email for goodness sake. It doesn’t matter what your thing that you’re struggling on, if you could just reach out to one person and have them answer your question right then and there, wouldn’t it change your life? Wouldn’t you be changing somebody else’s life? Right? I mean, if you’re the person giving the answer, then aren’t you really changing somebody else’s life too. Aren’t you making their life a little bit better?

Matt Henderson (05:28):
And that’s really all this takes. It doesn’t take being a master of your craft in order to be able to just help. And that’s what I wanted to talk to you guys about, because I don’t think enough of us are helping. I didn’t think I could help, and then when I looked back, I realized oh my gosh, not only can I help, I can help a lot of people. I mean, I can help thousands of people, tens of thousands of people. Maybe more, I don’t know. I’m still yet to figure out how many people I can help, but I can tell you this much, since I started realizing that I could be the person that helps others, I’ve taken on … Well, about 80 different people now that I’ve been helping, and I took on a couple of people that I was mentoring, and I’ve yet to find myself a mentor, but …

Matt Henderson (06:29):
I was going to go into a rant about something else, but we’ll talk about mentoring another day, but just think about what you do and what you do well. Think about who around you, or even if they’re not around you, are there places online where you could be helping? Could you go on to Facebook and in some of your groups that you’re in to help other people solve their problems that you’ve already solved? Because I bet you can, and that’s where I first saw it for myself. I was doing a 30 day challenge and it was a 30 day challenge I had done before. And I was about … I joined it and I thought wow, I’m going to really push myself forward and push myself really hard now.

Matt Henderson (07:15):
And when I got into the challenge, I’m on day one and it’s a great challenge. Again, I’ll talk to you about that on a different day, but it’s this great challenge where I realized that since I had already been through it before and I’ve had some success, there were so many people that were behind me and I could see them chatting in the comment section during the live trainings and stuff, and I realized at that point I had the answer to almost all of the questions. And I’m not being boastful at all. I mean, I’m just saying it in the sense that I was able to help a lot of people, so I just jumped in and answered a lot of questions where I could. And I’ll tell you, it made me feel good. It made me feel like finally I’m able to help other people achieve their goals, and they were very thankful and they didn’t have to be because I didn’t careif people were thankful or not, I just wanted to help.

Matt Henderson (08:16):
So that’s all I wanted to bring to you today is to think about where you can help people and where you can be helpful in life and what you can do for others, because I guarantee you when you help others you’re going to be shocked by how your life changes. And that’s the biggest takeaway here, is your life is going to change just because you’re helping other people. It’s going to take some time. It’s not going to happen overnight, but it’s something you should start thinking about. Okay?

Matt Henderson (08:46):
So I hope you guys understand what I’m talking about and if not, I might dive into this again later down the road, but get out there and help some people. Do what you can for others, don’t expect anything in return. Don’t do it because you want something in return. Just do it because it’s the right thing. Just help. This is a time in life where everybody could use a little extra help, and I think if you’re listening to this podcast, I know you’re capable of helping other people.

Matt Henderson (09:14):
All right, everyone, that’s it for today. Matt, from the Business Mind podcast, if you’re enjoying the podcast, please share this with your friends, your family, your social media people, whoever and wherever you are online, take a screenshot of this and send it around and just share it. Tell people, go check out the Business Mind podcast. I’d really appreciate it. All right, everyone, have a great day, have a great weekend, and keep pushing to be better. Go and help someone.