If I continue to here “I will do it tomorrow” from everyone I’ll go crazy! It easy to put off what can be completed now if you just push past your limits.

Matt Henderson (00:00):

Hey everyone, welcome back to The Business Mind podcast. It’s Matt, let’s talk about what’s going on with everybody and that they feel that mañana is a better day to get things done. And what do I mean? For those of you who don’t speak Spanish, I don’t very well. So I don’t want to offend anybody with that, but I heard this first from Russell Brunson from ClickFunnels, and I can’t remember how he referred to it. But I’m going to call it the mañana principle.

Matt Henderson (00:39):

And what it is, it’s for most of us, well, for me for a long time, but I stopped this years ago. Every time somebody brings up an idea or talks to me about doing something, or let’s just say, someone approaches you about a business idea. Best case scenario, someone comes to you, they say, “Hey, listen, I’ve got this great idea. And I was thinking we could work on it together. You got a second? Let’s talk about it.” Now what most people do is they say, “Oh, you know what? I’m busy right now. But if we could talk about it tomorrow, that would be great. We’ll schedule some time.” I mean, that’s what you say. Like I said that for years, for years. And I’ve watched others around me do the exact same thing.

Matt Henderson (01:43):

And only as of late, did it really start to get to me. Because I listened to Russell talk about … Russell Brunson, like I said, talked about this a long time ago. And I kept thinking, “Well, yeah, I know. I used to do that.” I used to say, “Oh, okay, well, I’ll jump on that first thing tomorrow.” Or, “Yeah. Well, I can go out and I can, it doesn’t matter, cut the grass tomorrow. I can clean up everything tomorrow. I can wash the dishes tomorrow morning.” Whatever it is. Whatever it is. Get to the next project at work. “Oh, I’ll take a look at that. I’m just headed out the door, let me look at it tomorrow.” That’s your boss asking you about a project you’re working on.

Matt Henderson (02:30):

So what does that have to do with anything? Well, it actually has a lot to do with it. Because when you’re constantly in the mindset of, I’ll do it tomorrow. Well, tomorrow’s always a busy day. And I’ll be honest, the other thing you don’t know about tomorrow is what it’s going to bring. So how many of you wake up every day and you have this idea of what you see the day bringing you and what’s going to happen that day. And the second you get out and you start moving through your day, those plans are completely out the window. Like they’re just gone. They’re just gone. And it happens to all of us because, well, there’s that whole thing of OPA, Other People’s Agenda. You open up your phone and you check your email and somebody’s going to distract you. And they’re going to hit you with, “Hey, can you do this for me today?” “Hey, could you take a look at this?” “Oh, I was thinking about this.” Now automatically, as soon as you start reading your emails, you’re onto other people’s agenda.

Matt Henderson (03:32):

So your own things, your own tasks that help you catapult into the next level of business, your job, it doesn’t matter. These are the things that will get you … if you work for somebody else, this is one of the principles that would get you the promotion that will lead you to more money. If that’s your thing, work for other people. If you’re an entrepreneur, I think this is part of controlling your time and being aggressive as an entrepreneur. Because so many people will say, “Okay, well, I’ll learn about that tomorrow.” “Oh, okay. I’ll focus on that on my website tomorrow.” “I’ll start building my website
tomorrow.” How many people say they’re going to go to the gym and they’re going to start on Monday? “Oh, I’m going to go to the gym tomorrow because I’m going to get on with my routine now.” Well, why don’t you just go to the gym today? Let me guess. Today was too busy. Today was probably too busy.

Matt Henderson (04:36):

You know why today was too busy? Because you put off things from yesterday. You used the mañana principal. I’ll get to that mañana, I’ll get to that tomorrow. And that’s what I wanted to talk to you guys about today. Because when you keep putting things off and you don’t just tackle them while they’re front and center. Now I’m not saying you’re in the middle of a meeting and somebody shoots you a message and says, “Oh, Hey, can you swing by my house? I need to talk to you for a second.” You don’t get up from the meeting, walk out and go and handle it. But put it in perspective, could this be something that you say, “Absolutely, I’ll be there as soon as I’m out of my meeting.” “I can swing by after work.”

Matt Henderson (05:24):

Your boss asks you, “Hey, this XYZ report. I’m looking to get that thing done because we’re going to make a proposal next week.” And you know what everybody always says, “Okay, cool. I’ll jump on doing that tomorrow.” Even if I go into my own business and I’m looking to run a new funnel, I know that it’s going to require certain products to be built before I run the funnel. So, that I can fulfill the items that I need to ship out when I sell them through my funnel. Well, every time I’ve said to somebody, “Hey, we’re going to be running a promotion, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. We’re going to need X, Y, and Z to be stocked. And let’s stock them a little heavier. And we need to get on that ASAP.” There has yet to be a time that
somebody hasn’t said to me, “Cool. Oh, no problem. I’ll get to that first thing tomorrow.”

Matt Henderson (06:25):

And then what happens? Tomorrow brings different things. Tomorrow doesn’t come. I recently had an employee who’s struggling a little bit and we just talked about, “Hey, this is what you’ll be working on tomorrow. I’m so excited. This is going to be great. We got this big promotion going on. Awesome. Awesome. Here we go.” And then he did not call, no show for work. And low and behold, he was having some personal problems. Now, I didn’t know. I’m just being the cheerleader for the team and trying to get everybody excited and bring them to another level. And, “Hey, here we go. We’re going to make a gazillion dollars. Let’s do this. Let’s do it.” Not realizing that somebody was having a personal problem. So, that being my bad. But that was a mañana principle that he put out there and he said, “Sure, absolutely. I’ll work on that first thing tomorrow.” But tomorrow didn’t happen. So now that trickles down and now there’s going to be somebody else who’s dealing with the mañana principle.

Matt Henderson (07:34):

So what do you want to take away from this? What do I want you to take away from this? What do I hope you take away from this? I hope that you start saying to yourself, every time you say in your own head, “I’ll do this tomorrow. I’ll get to that tomorrow. I’ll do this mañana.” Just do it now. If it’s at all feasible, if it’s at all feasible, just do that task right then and there. Your life will change. Wait till you see how much stuff starts getting crossed off your list. Instead of just sitting there, making the list and then staring at it for a week, deciding when you’ll start doing the things, just do them. Just do them, just take one task, do it. Produce one thing. That’s quite literally all this is. Just start producing.

Matt Henderson (08:30):

And the less you put off, it’s just a level of procrastination for people. They put things off because it’s easier to say, “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Because you’re not stressed about it if it’s not due today. And that’s the sad part, it’s stressing you, you’re going to take it home and you’re going to stress it. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you’re going to stress it. So, why go down that road? There’s no need, you don’t have to go down that road. All you have to do is, just get that work done today. Just get it done today, go forward and then check something off your list and feel amazing about it.

Matt Henderson (09:10):

All right, everyone. I don’t want to drag this on. I just wanted to point out to you that, Hey, you can be getting more done in your day. Don’t push it off until tomorrow. Don’t use the mañana principle. All right, everyone. Matt from The Business Mind podcast. I do have some exciting things coming up for you. I’m putting together some stuff so you guys can go and get resources and know exactly where to go and get everything you need to make your life successful, your business successful and move forward in your own careers. All right, everyone. Miss you, love you. I’ll talk to you guys again soon. All right, Matt The Business Mind podcast, have a great day.