How I stay current

Part three about where I get all of my information from and how I stay current

Matt Henderson

Good morning, Business Mind podcast listeners. This is Matt. Today we’re going to talk about the last method of learning I do and what it does for me and where I’m getting all my information from.

All right, welcome back everyone. It’s a 60 degree February, late February day in New Jersey, so just typical here, but I wanted to talk to you today. Last episode we were talking about all the places I’m getting my information from and how I do my learning. We’ve talked about is it all worth it? And today I just wanted to discuss the last and final piece of where I get my information from and how I stay current on everything that I’m doing. And this part, I mean, maybe it seems obvious to people, I doubt it though, but how many of you are intensely following the people that emulate who you want to be?

Now I don’t mean you grew up and you idolize your dad or your mom. I mean, or maybe it is, maybe your parents do exactly what you want to do in life and then you’re trying to emulate what they do, but I’m talking about for me, so I’ll use myself an example as in trying to be and wanting to be a digital marketer and digital advertiser. I follow some of the biggest people in that field. And for me, Russell Brunson is a gigantic person in that field, and I want to be part of it. I follow Neil Patel, is another unbelievable resource in that field, meaning people like Russell Brunson call people like Neil Patel.

But that being said, who are you following? And when I say I’m following them, I don’t just go on and look at their Instagram once in a while or something along those lines. I mean, I’m following them on all their platforms, I am … And that’s yes, Instagram, Facebook, I’m not a Twitter person, so I don’t go on Twitter and follow people, but I do follow YouTube videos. I subscribe to anything that they have for me. So if they have a pop up upon my screen that says, “Do you want the latest updates from Neil Patel Digital?” I say, “Yes, I do.” I want to learn everything that they have to give me, and I’m going to devour it. Like I’ve said in other episodes, I just devour everything I can get my hands on.

And that’s inclusive of following these people wherever they are, because what they are is they’re omni present. They are everywhere online, but it’s not the same everywhere, so look for their other stuff. I go on and I watch YouTube videos about funnel building or about marketing and advertising and sales copy, and I follow every aspect of my business, I have someone I’m following that does that. So sales copy is a huge part of my business. It’s all the writing that’s on a page. It’s all the things that in words, sell to people, and so therefore, somebody I admire is Jim Edwards. The guy is an unbelievable copywriter, so I follow him and I try to emulate what he’s doing with his sales copy.

Then there’s other people, Dan Kennedy, another one who just … Another unbelievable marketer. Dean Graziosi, Tony Robbins, whoever it is for you and what you’re trying to do. I mean, take a look at it and decide who the people are in your field, or who are the people doing what you want to do, who are the people who act like you want to act, or who do you want to be in life? What do you want to be in life? Think about it, and then you need to start following those people and taking in everything that they do, and it may help you decide whether it is the right path for you or not. Maybe certain aspects of what people do isn’t your thing.

Maybe someone turns out really they’re more of a self help guru than they are a business guru. It’s all stuff you can figure out and things that you need to take in and decide, but you’re only going to figure those out by literally finding your people, seeing where they are online, following them to understand what they’re doing on a daily basis. What does that job entail? What does it look like? Are the hours conducive to what you want to do? Is it conducive to your family life? Is somebody a public speaker and you always wanted to be a public speaker, but wait a second, they’re on the road 280 days a year, so are you going to see your family?

Not saying any of these things are bad, just if you follow the people, you’re going to be able to see what the life is actually like that they’re living, and then see if it’s right for you or not. And that’s an important aspect of things. A lot of times things look very entertaining and amazing on the surface but when you dive deep into them, maybe it’s not set up for you. Maybe it’s not set up to work with the personality type that you have to have you excel.

So that’s my last way that I get in touch with everything is, and I stay current with everything is, I’m always online trying to see who everybody is, where they are, what they do, and what their lifestyle looks like and their … Sorry, I had to honk at somebody. This is real life, I’m recording live. But follow everyone to see what they’re doing so that I can say, “All right, would this work for me? Can I achieve what they’re achieving through the methods they’re using?” And that’s really the key to it all. You want to know that you can pull it off and that it fits into your lifestyle and hey, maybe things look a certain way on the surface, you might like the money that somebody is making, but when it comes down to how they have to do their job, you might not be into that.

So that’s why I say check out what everybody else is doing, see what their lifestyle looks like, follow them everywhere, learn from them, educate yourself on what they’re doing, and what it doesn’t fit in with what you actually want to do, and then take it from there. So that’s it for today. I don’t want to make this a long one. This is pretty easy. Go out and follow and find everyone who’s in your … That you want in your little ecosystem, and let’s see if this fits the lifestyle you’re looking for and if they have everything that you want. All right?

So I hope you guys have an amazing week. It’s Monday. Well, it’s Monday when I’m recording, I don’t know what day it is when you’re listening, but I hope you guys get out there, you crush the week, enjoy yourselves, enjoy your businesses. Start taking a look at how it looks for other people, and is that going to work for you. All right, Matt, from The Business Mind podcast. If you guys are enjoying this, please take a screenshot, share it wherever you’re at, go on and follow me on Spotify, go and follow us on iTunes, and maybe leave us a review, because that really, really helps me out. All right, everyone. I hope you have a great week.