My methods 2

I’m here to discuss some different learning techniques that I use.

Matt Henderson (00:00):

Hey, everyone. Welcome back to The Business Mind Podcast. Today, I’m going to continue talking about my methods. Hi, everyone. Matt from The Business Mind Podcast. I just wanted to let you know a quick little tip. So the way that I’ve been doing all these podcasts is this cool app or you can get it on your desktop as well. It’s called It’s got to be the easiest way to make a podcast because they give you everything you need in one place and they do it for free.

Matt Henderson (00:29):

So it’s pretty awesome because I’m currently doing all this right from my phone. But when I’m at home and I have a few minutes, I pop on the computer and it’s got so many awesome tools and everything to edit. You can do sound effects and all sorts of other really cool things that I haven’t been taking advantage of, but I suggest that you do. They even distribute the podcast for me. I don’t have to figure out where to put it. They popped it on a Spotify for me. You can get it on the Apple Podcast, Google Podcast and a whole bunch of others.

Matt Henderson (01:00):

But the nicest part is while you’re getting your podcast out there, you can also monetize and you can easily make a little bit of money from doing the podcast with minimal listenership. So get online, download the Anchor app on your phone, or you can go to and you can get started on it today. All right, so check it out. Once again, Matt, from The Business Mind Podcast. So excited that you guys decided to take the time and listen. When you’re ready to get your podcast going, check out the Again, Matt from The Business Mind Podcast. Have a great day.

Matt Henderson (01:37):

So today we’re going to talk about… I’m going to continue yesterday’s episode about my methods for furthering my business education and how I continue growing as an entrepreneur. Yesterday, I discussed my favorite ways, which are, I think honestly, potentially the easiest ways. Obviously, I love reading about new stuff and essentially just picking up and totally immersing myself in things. I told you that I do love reading, but my favorite ways to get the stuff is through audio books and podcasts, my two number one things. I’d say they’re tied because I’d love to pick one of them, let’s say, to do, but I can’t pull the trigger on one being better than the other right now.

Matt Henderson (02:29):

So today I wanted to talk about an additional way that I learned things and one that could be controversial in the future because people that I don’t think do the right things in business, but that is through online courses and training. I know I talked a little, touched on it yesterday in yesterday morning’s episode about it, but I wanted to talk about it a little further.

Matt Henderson (02:58):

Now, I’m not talking about online college courses and stuff like that. I’m not saying there aren’t good courses like that available to you. I’m sure there are. I’ve looked at a couple of them. Some just seemed honestly overpriced because they were attaching themselves to a school. I also did not feel that the people who were going to be educating me from those through those classes or courses online were necessarily the smartest, or not the smartest, but the best at that.

Matt Henderson (03:29):

This is what I mean. So I could definitely go online and take marketing courses from probably a multitude of online colleges, but I didn’t feel that… In my experience that I didn’t feel that college had educated me so much on everything I’m using now that I needed to go back to that same environment to learn again. I actually learned so much, like I pointed out yesterday through my podcasts and online, on my eBooks and audio books and everything else from people that I found after college, and honestly, people I mostly had been following over the last couple of years.

Matt Henderson (04:15):

That is exactly why I didn’t think that going through courses that were necessarily linked to school meant anything to me because I don’t need credits. I don’t need college credits nor do I even care if I was in college if these were able to give me credits. Because what I needed from it was I needed to learn someone else’s systems and their ways of achieving what I considered to be success. So that being said, I’d learned from a few people and I’ve taken a few online courses and I’ve had varying levels of success from them.

Matt Henderson (04:50):

So the first time I tried it out, an online course, was to learn about Amazon FBA selling. Now, I had done an immense amount of reading and research on the topic. However, I wasn’t finding a lot of conclusive techniques to it. So I actually found an online course and the guy is actually fairly well-known now. He wasn’t so much at the time, but fairly well-known now for doing probably, well, I think at the time he was probably doing like 5 million in FBA sales. I thought, “Well, if I can make 5 million, if I could sell 5 million worth of stuff anywhere, then that’s definitely worth learning from somebody who’s in that space.”

Matt Henderson (05:41):

So as I started to look into it and I went through that whole course, it was interesting. It was an eyeopening experience. It taught me a lot. I’d say I learned 90% of what I needed to excel through Amazon FBA from that course. No, I don’t think that there was a college equivalent if that were to matter to somebody that there was a college equivalent course that would’ve done the same for me.

Matt Henderson (06:10):

So I took that course. I learned and then I applied. I applied everything that I learned from that course within days and, actually probably within hours, to be honest with you, and I started applying it and using it and seeing how it goes. I was able to tweak that method that I learned through that course to be my own method and then to what worked for me and it wound up being fine. It was a good course. I could teach that same course now and I understand why the person made the course. It was all inclusive. They had everything that you could possibly want and anything you could learn from it. They had it done in there and that was great.

Matt Henderson (06:51):

My only negative thing that I would’ve had to say about that course was that I felt it could have gone deeper into things that it just didn’t because they were looking to upsell after the fact. So I understand. They wanted to leave themselves with an additional way to have further sales in the future. But for me, I just felt like… I don’t know. There were a couple key pieces that they could have kept in there and actually helped people a lot more and probably built a larger fan base. But anyway, I digress. Moving forward.

Matt Henderson (07:29):

So I had taken a course in that. I’ve taken a course in website building design and search engine optimization. That was a much more expensive course and a much more detailed course. I would say I learned a lot more from that and their ongoing support, meaning they have different groups that you can join and newsletters and everything else that come out more than once a week and it’s been ongoing. I think it was actually really, really good. It was the most I’d ever spent on a course.

Matt Henderson (08:07):

Still to this day, the most I’ve ever spent on a course and probably the scariest thing that I ever purchased because I thought it was… I think it was probably the largest online purchase I had made. I knew that there was a lot to lose. So maybe that’s what had me pay attention to it so much and really had me knock it out. But I learned so much from that course and I felt like it was amazing and it really did a great job for me. It’s given me so many pieces to add to my repertoire after the fact that it was just really great. So I’m a believer in online courses.

Matt Henderson (08:46):

Now, I do know that there are a ton of courses out there that are total nonsense. Somebody I know was on Instagram this morning and doing an Instagram live thing, and or maybe it was in their stories, I don’t even remember. Anyway, they were complaining about 90% of courses being total BS and people are calling themselves everything and claiming stuff and saying they’ve done it all. I agree with that. I agree with it to an extent. I don’t know if it’s 90% are BS. I don’t think that that’s a fair assessment. It might be. I haven’t looked at enough courses. But in my opinion, courses are very helpful. They can be very beneficial, but you need know and trust the person who is teaching you the course.

Matt Henderson (09:39):

So do I think that a course from a no-name person who you’re not sure of their accolades or what they’ve accomplished in business at all, do I think that’s a good course? Not necessarily. It might be the best course on it, but I would do your research before signing up for a course. Before you get fully involved and you say, “Oh, I’m going to just learn from this course,” you can’t just jump right into that and think this is going to be the answer because you don’t even know who this person is.

Matt Henderson (10:12):

Now, there’s other people out there who I feel like I’ve taken some of their courses and I couldn’t possibly… I can’t even stop learning from it. I had listened to the same things over and over and over and every time I’m listening I’m picking up another piece of information, another little tidbit to help me for where I’m at now in my journey. People like Russell Brunson, the guy has given so much knowledge of away that it’s incredible. I’ve been very fortunate to find him now and really just dive deep into all the information that he has to give away and taking advantage of it.

Matt Henderson (10:50):

There’s a ton of information for free. There’s a ton that you pay for as well. But you get what you pay for. You’re literally getting the best marketing education that I could ever imagine I’m getting through Russell Brunson and ClickFunnels. If I had gone down the route of taking college course, I would’ve never touched this kind of information. There’s no way. I would’ve never gotten anything near this and it would’ve never produced like this is producing for me.

Matt Henderson (11:16):

So my feeling on courses, you absolutely need to do your research. I think you should start small with things, especially if you’re have a course that you’ve tried to read about or learn about and you’ve done a little bit of research on and you’re not sure then maybe take an inexpensive course from person, see what you think of it and then go from there. Because I think that you’ll probably find… You’ll find a person that you personally take to and it will be an eye opening experience. Then when you want to dive further in, you’ll be ready to go with them.

Matt Henderson (11:54):

So that’s my thoughts for today on courses. I think they’re fantastic if you find the course that’s right for you. I wouldn’t believe an extremely young person who maybe looks like they’re 18 standing in front of a Ferrari saying, “Guess what? Me and my boys have made X, Y and Z and now we’re doing millions a day. Look at our Shopify account,” that they just have a screenshot of, that you can’t really tell whose Shopify account it is and it says a hundred grand and they’re just saying, “Yeah, we just made this this morning and this is our car.”

Matt Henderson (12:26):

Because if anybody has gone anywhere online and done a little bit of research, you can see these young kids renting cars, taking photos, staying at Airbnbs for a day to go and do videos and photo shoots at them and try and claim like they’re living in mansions around the world and traveling. Long story short, if it seems too good to be true, it definitely is. Those people are not doing those things. If it’s hard to understand, my suggestion would be just back right away and go and look for something else.

Matt Henderson (13:01):

Start with the people that are educating you for free right now. Think about what their courses are and where you’re learning about stuff. Does that person that you’re learning from for free through say a podcast or a book you’re reading, is the person you’re listening to and you trust, are they offering anything themselves? Because that would be the best place to start. That’s where I started. That’s where I would suggest anybody start. If someone’s built a trust with you and you feel good and you want to give them money because of how much they’ve offered you already, I think that’s your best choice and your best path to take.

Matt Henderson (13:37):

All right, this is Matt not from The Business Mind Podcast. If you’re loving this podcast and you get any kind of helpful information from this, please follow me on Spotify. Because if you follow me, then you’re going to know every day that one of my episodes comes out, you’re going to hear about it right away. If you can go on and take a screenshot of this, post it up on your Instagram, your Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, wherever you’re at, post it up, tell people what you think of this podcast. If you’re an iTunes listener, most importantly, please go in and give me a review. I love the reviews and I need to hear some more from you guys. All right, everyone, Matt from The Business Mind Podcast. I hope you have an amazing day and I’ll talk to you again soon.