It’s time to double down

Now the aces are in their places… it’s time to double down!

Matt Henderson:

Good morning, everyone. I want to talk to you about doubling down today.

Hey, it’s Matt from the Business Mind podcast. I’m really excited to have you here with me today, because we are going to kind of feed off of yesterday’s podcast. Which was about putting “Aces in their Places”. The “Aces in their Places,” if you didn’t get a chance to listen to yesterday’s episode, go back, listen to yesterday’s episode. Which is really good.

What it’s talking about, what we discussed is, putting everyone in their best place. Now, “Aces in their Places”. What I mean by that is, if you are someone who loves to, baking cakes is your thing or being an auto mechanic, like working on cars, then you should be the guy working on the car. Then the person who should be, maybe the customer service person is handling the customer service. And you get somebody, you hire a company, that’s going to handle your website work for you.

You don’t try to do it all yourself. That’s what yesterday’s is all about. The reason I wanted to follow up on that episode from yesterday is because I’m talking today about doubling down. Now, what do I mean by doubling down? Well, once you’ve put the “aces in their places” and you’ve got every team member figured out. They’re set up exactly where they need to be in order for your business to succeed, then what you want to do is you want to figure out exactly what you’re best at.

That’s something you should have figured out probably before you put “aces in the places”, right? Because if you don’t know what everybody’s best at then how are you going to possibly put them in the correct spot? I guess first is, let’s figure out exactly what you like to do the most, what you’re best at, typically they go hand in hand. Then, let’s get everyone set up at the place that they should be in to excel.

Now, for you what does that mean? For everyone who just got put in the best spot for them, what does that mean? Well, it means that you’ve now got your super team set up. Like if you’re as old as I am, you remember the show called Voltron, where all of the individual Voltron members would be in their own little robots.

Then sometimes they would get together to fight off the big ogre or overlord or whatever it was in their episode. They’d all have to get together. They would get together as the whole Voltron team, they would form one huge robot and then they would defeat whatever the nemesis was of that episode.

Well, the same thing you’re going to do here, when you put all the “Aces in their Places”. Now, you’ve given everybody their own robot to be in. They’ve got their venue. They now know exactly what they’re doing every single day. It’s huge. It’s what you need. Everybody’s figured out exactly where they need to be. And you know exactly what everybody likes doing. That’s the other huge part about it, is everybody’s happy doing what they’re doing.

Now, what do we do with everyone there? What do you do with yourself? Well, I know you’re thinking like, “Well, obviously I just put everybody in the right spot and now everybody’s just going to do what their best at, do what they love and will be fine.”

Yes and no. Yes. Everybody should like what they’re doing, but what should also happen is you want everyone to double down. They should go twice as hard at what they’re doing now, because they don’t have as much to learn. So since they don’t have as much to learn about what they’re doing and they already like what they’re doing, they should be able to do it at a next level. Step up the game to another level.

Now you’ve got high level players in each one of the positions at the business or in your company or whatever, or at your… Doesn’t matter, at your hair salon. All the right members are in the right places.

Now, if everybody doubles down and really throws everything they have at it and they go hard and they throw everything they got at this, how much more successful do you think you’re going to be? I can tell you, it’s going to be exponentially more successful, exponentially, because everyone’s doing what they already know how to do. Best part is, they’re doing what they like to do. Which means nobody’s coming in and feeling like, “Oh, I hate today. Oh my God. Another day of doing this.”

Because that’s what happens. That’s what happens to all of us. You show up. Even if you’re doing a job so that you can, whatever helps your company grow and you take over a new position. Or, you took on a new job at a company because they paid better than your old company, but you still don’t like the job you’re doing. Every day, at some point, you’re going to hit it where you say, “Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m doing this again. Can’t believe I’m going in and whatever, folding shirts at the retail store, again, during the holiday season. Or I’m packing boxes again at Amazon.” Whatever it is.

Or you’re going out and you’re shopping for your new Amazon business, maybe the shopping part drives you crazy. I did an Amazon business. What drove me crazy? The shopping part. It’s insane. I was flipping products. It was terrible. It was terrible. I hate going shopping in the first place. But then when you’ve got massive amounts of shopping to do for holidays and stuff, it just gets beyond frustrating.

So for me, it was silly. I’m doing the parts that I hate the most. Then, the part that I do like, which is the selling part, I wasn’t doing. I figured out that business didn’t work for me. But that’s what I’m trying to point out to everyone is, figure out what everybody should be doing. Figure out who everybody is at the company at your business, whatever you’re doing. Then, let’s get everybody to double down and work really hard towards this cool thing that they really enjoy doing.

Now, watch your sales blow up. Watch your business go crazy. I mean, you finally have the Voltron team set up at that point. Everyone is so excited to be at work. They’re doing work when they’re not at work. They’re working when they’re at home. They’re doing it all early in the morning, late at night. It just becomes a different game.

Think about how you can double down in your business. Think about what you like to do. Think about the things that you need in your business. Maybe it’s because you need video work done or something and you don’t have the first clue about how to go about doing all that. I get it. I don’t either. But I’d also tell you, I’m not going to do it myself. I’m going to go out and find the person who’s the best for that. I’m going to put them in their spot and then I’m only going to pick the team member that’s going to just double down and blow the whole thing apart and just make it huge.

That’s the key. That’s what I came to talk to everybody about today. That’s what I want you to use as your success tool for the next week, month, year. Think about where everybody’s going to go. Who are your “aces” and where do they belong? Then double down on everything. You double down on all the things that you love to do. You double down on how hard you’re working. You put everything you have at it, then you create something that’s just a next level business.

All right. I’m so glad you guys came out. I appreciate you listening to the podcast. It’s been fun for me. I’m really enjoying it. I hope you guys are as well. If you get a chance, if you could leave me a review wherever you’re listening to this. If you’re on it, I know you can go on and leave a review there. You can share this episode with people from there. I think the same from Spotify or wherever you’re catching this. Please go on. Listen. Let me know what you think of it. Leave me a review.

And if you need any assistance with your business, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email. It’s [email protected].

All right, everyone, once again, Matt from the Business Mind podcast. I hope you have an amazing weekend. Here it is, Small Business Saturday. Edit to go sell a lot of stuff today. All right, everyone. I hope you have a great weekend and keep on crushing it at your businesses. Okay, talk to you again soon.