Aces in their places

Are you doing what your best at for your business or employee

Matt Henderson:

Good morning everyone. It is time to double down. It’s Matt from The Business Mind Podcast. We’re going to talk about it today.

Everyone, so I’m excited because today we’re going to discuss a cool topic of doubling down. We’ve talked about some of this, we’ve touched on a little bit of this, but not actually to this point. So what I’m talking to you about today is, figuring out what you’re best at. Now I know that doesn’t sound like what I was just saying in the… it’s not in the double down, but what’s the thing that you actually enjoy doing at your job or at your business or what’s the business you’re looking to start? The things we’ve been talking about over the past few months on this podcast are, what are we looking to get into? What are the things we enjoy doing so that it seems like, “Hey, we’re doing what we like to do every day.” And who else do we need involved?

So let me start here. I’ve gotten into a few situations in different businesses where I’ve been trying to accomplish everything myself. And that’s how a lot of us entrepreneurs start out because you don’t have the money to hire other people. And I understand that, I don’t have the money to hire a lot of other people for different tasks, but are you keeping yourself from growing because you won’t figure out what parts of it you want to do? And that’s what I see happening all the time in business. I’ve got entrepreneurs that are talking to me about what they like to do, what they are accomplishing at their business, what their goals are and where they see themselves going. But the biggest issue is they’re not realizing that the one thing that’s not getting them, the thing that’s keeping them from getting to where they want to go is the fact that they are trying to accomplish it all themselves.

Now it sounds counterproductive to say, “Well, listen, you don’t need to do this all yourself. Just hire it out, hire it out.” And I understand outsourcing seems like it’s going to cost a fortune and it might not be the best path for you. And I get it all. But if you don’t outsource some of the work, what level are you going to make it to? How much are you going to get accomplished? How much longer is it going to take you to get to that next step? It’s something to think about. And this might have been the thing that took me the longest to accept, because no matter how many times I studied it or learned about it and had a billion different podcasts and books and everything telling me you can’t do it all yourself you need to look for help. You need to look into outsourcing.

If you ever read about Tim Ferriss, his entire world is outsourcing. He wrote the book The 4-Hour Workweek. So his entire world is how to properly outsource and become more effective at what you do. So I’ve got a buddy right now that I can’t seem to get this concept across to and he doesn’t listen to the podcast. Maybe that’s part of the problem. But he just can’t get it through his head that with his business, if he were to outsource some of the things he’s currently trying to do himself, the place that he’s at would be so far in the past, it would blow his mind. But another thing that goes on with entrepreneurs is most of us are very strong-willed I’ll say, and we definitely believe we have the best path and the only path to get to where we want to go.

Unfortunately, that’s typically not correct. We might have a path to get where we want to go. We might see one way of getting there. We might even see multiple ways of getting there, but it’s definitely not the only way. I doubt that most people are blazing a path that nobody’s ever gone down before. So why aren’t you studying other people that have done these things and trying to figure out how you can use what they’ve done to help you excel. And you know, if I could just talk to my buddy and tell him one thing, it’s if there’s no possible way that’s stopping me from learning every aspect of your business. Now, I’m not saying you give up on knowing your finances or interacting with customers. I’m not saying anything like that.

I think every business owner needs to have their hands in a lot of the things going on at their businesses and specifically the money and everything else, because you need to know your numbers, but do you need to know how to be the best video guy in order to run your business? I doubt it. Do you need to know Facebook ads and Google marketing in order to run your business? No. There’s definitely no matter how much you think you know, unless you are a marketing specialist, no matter what you think you know about those platforms, there’s definitely somebody out there who already knows it better and they can produce more for you in the same time that you’re going to be doing it. And that’s my concern for everyone out there is that you’re not taking the time to step back and say, “Wait a second, I might not be the best person at doing this.” And that’s okay to not be the best person.

I’m giving you permission to outsource this stuff. You don’t have to be a videographer in order to be an entrepreneur. Anyone who tells you that you have to be able to do everything yourself. They’re lying to you and flat out, they’re wrong. And that’s what I want to give everybody today is the opportunity to take your future and your hands and decide that it’s time for you to be a larger business. It’s time for you to grow. You are wondering how everybody else is growing their businesses to over a million, over 10 million, over a hundred million dollars. You know how they got there? With help. They got there with help and you have to have faith in the people that you choose.

Now, it seems like it’s going to be a little bit of a crap you getting started. It is, you’re going to go through some people. The first guy you choose to do something, probably going to be the last guy you choose to do it. But it is what it is. You’ve got to take the time to grow the company. And the only way to grow the company is by getting the right people in to do the right jobs. You got to have aces in their places.

So when you decide that, “Oh, well, nobody else can market it like me because I know my business better than anybody.” That’s definitely true. I mean, you should know your business better than anybody else, but knowing your business better than anybody else means that you’re never going to let it go and you’re never going to let anybody help you with it. And you’re not going to grow your business.

Then what’s going to happen is you’re going to hit the wall. You may have a few years. You might have a number of years where things just seem unstoppable. The numbers keep growing just exponentially every year. And that’s great. And you know what? It’s the sign that you’ve chosen the correct business to be in. And that you’re passionate about it and that you’re going to be able to grow it, but it will happen. You will slam into the wall. You will hit the point you cannot make it all happen yourself. You will not be able to do everything you think you need to do in your business, you know what? You might be able to do it. You’re just not going to get it done in the time that you need to do it. And then eventually it’s going to happen. It’s going to be a demise. Your business will go from growing exponentially to shrinking even faster.

And that’s just my, my bit for everybody today. I want to see everyone succeed. I want everyone to have the ability and the knowledge and to know how to say, “Wait a second, maybe I’m not the best at something. And if there’s somebody better that can get me from point A to point B in one third, then I can make money from that.” And I want you guys to excel. So that’s my little story for you guys today that I wanted to bring in and help you guys.

I want to give people assistance. I don’t want to see everyone struggle. And when I see entrepreneurs day in and day out thinking that they have to do it all themselves and trying to accomplish it all themselves, it frustrates me. It frustrates me for them, but it frustrates me when they tell me that they can do it all and they’ve got this handled and well, just for a fact, I know they don’t and then I watch it go on and these are not coachable people.

So be coachable, listen to what people have to tell you, maybe apply what they’re telling you to apply. It’s how you’re going to get there. If you think you’re the only one who can do it in your business, you may be the most ignorant person in your business. So something to think about. I’m Matt from The Business Mind Podcast, if you guys could do me a favor. If you’re listening to it on iTunes, I would really appreciate it if you could give me a review, it helps me know exactly where we’re going with this.

And if you guys are liking the episodes and if you want to hear more of the same or if you like to hear something different, if you have any questions or need any help with your businesses, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me [email protected]. And I will get back to you and we’ll discuss anything I can do to assist you with your businesses. And today is the day before Thanksgiving. So for everybody out there happy Thanksgiving, I hope you really enjoy it. And I appreciate you all listening. And I look forward to talking to you again soon. Bye everybody.