Time to apply

You have done the learning now it’s time to apply what you mastered

Good morning, everyone, Monday morning on the Business Mind Podcast. And it’s time to start your journey.

How’s everyone doing? This is Matt. I’m excited to get this week going. It’s actually Thanks giving week. So one day less than a week, and 10 times the work this week. So what I want to talk to you guys about today is a thought I had yesterday. And something that a lot of people talk about, but I don’t think I ever have. And that is getting your start. I talk a lot about learning, but I very rarely have talked about just starting. And that’s something I wanted to discuss, because I want you guys to know you have permission, you have my permission at least. If you’ve been doing your research and you’ve been studying your craft, trying to be the best that you could be and the most knowledgeable person you could be about your thing. Whether it’s your side hustle, your main job, your new thing, you’re starting at work, what have you. It’s time to start applying what you know.

Something that helped me back a little bit was not applying what I know soon enough. Because I kept thinking, well, there’s somebody who knows better than me. There must be more to this than I’m currently learning, and there always is. There’s always more to what you’re doing. There’s always going to be someone who’s probably better at what you’re trying to do than you. But the only way you get to learn how much you can gain from what you’re doing is by applying it. And so that being said, I read that if you guys have listened to the past podcast, I thank you first of all. And if you’re listening on iTunes, I really appreciate you. If you could leave me a review, that would be awesome. But if you’ve listened in the past, I’ve discussed having read 50 plus books over the course of a year in order to self-educate and what that did for me.

Well, it did a lot in the sense that I truly got educated on things that I needed to hone my skills on, and some self development things that I needed to really wrap my head around. But what I didn’t do, and I don’t think I even read a book about it because I wasn’t thinking I had to. Now I know there’s a few that exist that I probably should actually be reading now, but I’ll get to them. But what I was going to say is you need to just start applying what you’ve learned. So when I work on say some of my funnel building stuff, and I’m working on different strategies and how to get them to work for me. I actually will do some learning, read up about it, and I’ll pause what I’m doing and go in and try and apply right then and there.

And that’s pretty much what you should be doing with a lot of your education. Once you hit a certain level of your education, and bring you to a point where you feel like you’re pretty confident in what you’re talking about. Well, you’re fully confident in what you’re talking about. And as far as application you’ve got a really good understanding of what’s going on. The only way to get better at it from that point is to apply it. You need to apply these things, and what’s going to happen when you apply? You’re going to hit roadblocks. There’s no doubt about it. You know it, I know it, and it’s what’s keeping you from applying it in the first place. You know you’re going to hit roadblock.

It’s like when you were in school and you kind of understood the math question and you’re like, cool, I get it. I get it. And you’re nodding while the teacher’s talking. Sure, sure, sure. I get it. And then you get called up to the board and you need to do the problem. You need to solve the problem in front of the whole class. There’s a difference between understanding what you’re reading and applying it to what you’re doing. And that’s what I want you guys to do. I want you to, if it’s closing out this year or it’s starting the next year, or whenever you’re listening to this podcast, because I know not everybody’s listening to it in real time. But whenever you’re listening to this podcast, if you’ve been following the other episodes, and if not I urge you go back as far as you can find and listen to all of them. And if you can’t find them all on iTunes, it does go all the way back on Spotify. So you can go there and find some of them. And if you can’t find them still then email me, [email protected]. And I will get you some episodes, and you let me know what you’re struggling with. And I will point you in the correct direction, things to listen to, to help you grow.

But that’s what I want you to do. I want you to immerse yourself in what you’re learning. I want you to go so far into it that you’re in deep. You know that you’re figuring out way more than anybody else, and then you need to start applying it. I want you to apply it, apply it at your current business. Talk to your boss. If you were to, if you were to put some of these things in place there would it help the business? And if it is going to help the business, can you work it in as part of your day, and what you’re working on at your job? Because that would be huge. You can get paid to learn, and help grow your business and become a bigger player at your business. And guess what? Now you have a new skill that you’re going to say, “Hey, listen, remember when I brought this to the table, don’t you think that’s worthy of a raise this year with all the new income that I’ve brought in and all these new clients that I found you.” And I’m just saying, think about it. It’s doable, it’s doable.

And the best part is stop trying to go in and figure out a plan. And I don’t know enough about it, and really micromanaging yourself and saying like, well, if I knew a little bit more I’d get involved. But I don’t know enough at this point. I’m telling you, you know enough. As of right now, you know enough, you don’t have to stop. You don’t have to keep learning. If you’ve gotten to the point where nobody else at your business knows about this stuff, and you know about this stuff, then you know what? You already know enough, move forward, move on. This is the time to go. Hit, hit the play button, and let’s get it going. Show everybody what you’re capable of, and you know what, it’s okay that you’re learning in the process.

Nobody necessarily comes into this stuff, knowing everything. And if it’s at your place of business and you’re saying, well, they know a lot more than me, that’s really possible. I’m not saying that people won’t know more than you, but as soon as you get to the point that you’ve excelled past where they are, start applying it. Start applying what you know. And I’ll bet you most likely, if you’re looking into more of a niche than other people are, that my guess is you’re probably taking on something that nobody else knows about, and you’re willing to conquer on your own. And I think that’s phenomenal. That’s where you need to be. Go from the red ocean, into the blue ocean, from where everybody else is at, right in the red ocean.

Everybody’s a salesman, everybody knows about sales. Oh, okay. Well then why do I need to be the next salesman at my company? Maybe there’s a better way to do it then I’m doing it. These are things you need to think about. And then go ahead, apply them and then stress it at work. What you’re doing, track yourself, track how much you’re doing. How much did you provide? Were you able to bring something to the table that nobody else can? It’s awesome. So there’s my few minutes of growth for this week, because it’s going to be a massive week. I know here at my company, it’s going to be a really, really busy week. We do our sale on Thanksgiving Day. It’s all online, so while we’re eating Turkey, we do our sale. And then we come in and on Black Friday, it is mayhem.

We don’t have like in-store shopping, we just have massive shipments going out the whole time. So that’s why I am getting a nice podcast done early in the week this week. Because I’m hoping I can get back and talk with everybody here again. But in case I don’t, because I’ve got three more funnels to finish before Thursday. And I got to give them to our ad people, and videos to get done. It’s mayhem, it’s mayhem. But in case I don’t get back to you guys have a great Thanksgiving. I hope you do everything I’ve been telling you about today. Just go out. You’re ready, apply it. If you feel comfortable, go, just get going on it. Okay. And if it’s not your time yet, then immerse yourself, immerse yourself. I mean, if you’re not doing something else, put on a podcast, listen to that podcast all day.

If you’re not working on something that you need to be thinking. Then if you’re not doing that, then you need to be thinking about listening and educating. And I think podcasts are about the fastest way to do that. Thank you for listening to me. There are other really cool ones out there as well. That will educate you, but I’m just saying, educate yourself. Take that education, help it to grow your business. Apply it and excel. All right, everyone. Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great week. If you get the chance, leave me a review. Wherever you’re listening to this, I would really appreciate it. It’s Matt, from the Business Mind Podcast. See you.