What are your takeaways

The quarantine is easing. After 2 months of lockdown what did you take away from your time!

Matt Henderson:

Hey, what’s up, everybody, welcome back to the Business Mind podcast. This is Matt. Today, we’re going to take an inventory of what’s been going on during our time at home.

Hey, welcome back. I hope everyone is doing well. Staying safe, keeping really busy, all the good things about what’s been going on lately. And if you are in certain states, they said things are going to start easing, which is interesting because I don’t know if things are quite there yet, but that’s what’s happening. So rather than us talking about any of this virus stuff, cause I’m sure you get ample amounts from everywhere that you look these days. It’s kind of insane. I want to talk about what we’re taking stock of. Let’s take an inventory of what we got from this time of being quarantined and that’s what I want to do today. So if you’re looking back at your quarantine time, right and I think back in episode, I don’t know the number probably like 98 or so, but I was to guess, but I did an episode and I’m going to say it might have been called, it was either, “In Put Your Blinders On” or “Things Got A Little Crazy”. I can’t remember.

Anyway, if you go back to one of those two podcasts we discussed heading into this quarantine, what were some options that we all had and what were we going to do with the time that we had. Now back then now looking back two full months, which is insane. It’s been two months.

We weren’t sure. Nobody I mean, at least in the United States and I don’t think anywhere, but in the United States, we definitely were a hundred percent unsure of where things were going, how long we were all going to be at home, what this actual quote unquote quarantine would mean. Now that I have been through a quarantine, I question what quarantine really actually means, because I’ll tell you, I didn’t see a lot of actual quarantining going, but I digress. But you know, we talked about what to do during this time and what we were all going to accomplish during the time, because if this is the one moment you’ve got, which for me, let’s just say, I very rarely have a lot of free time to just sit down and start learning new things. I force myself into learning new things and I force time, but I very rarely am just home and have ample amounts of time to take on projects.

Right? So when we discussed this and in those earlier podcasts, when this was all starting, I said, “well, what do we all think?” During this time let’s all be better than the other people around us. Let’s use this time to learn a new skill, start a new business, ramp up your current business, maybe tighten up your website, whatever it is that you’re doing. I mean maybe this is all new to you and you just wanted to learn, okay, I’m going to learn how to build a website during this quarantine. But we discussed just let’s come out of this whole situation in a better place. And I know that’s difficult, it was going to be. And honestly, that’s why I’m back today to discuss with everyone, let’s take stock of what happened. Let’s take stock of how we did over the past two months.

Did you accomplish anything? Did you actually stick to it and get anything done? Did you start a project and stop? What happened? For me, I actually was not stuck at home for two months. My business actually ramped up. So I did have my retail, my E-commerce business ramped up to never before seen levels and my digital marketing business was really inundated with a couple clients that are getting their sites currently built out and SEO, and then we’re going to do some lead funnels for them. So to say that I have been busy is an understatement. I’ve been up to my eyeballs with stuff to do. And I haven’t had a second of free time. I’ve actually been working seven days a week for the past I’m going to say at least five months, but a hundred percent through the last two months.

When I take stock of what I learned during this time, I’ve actually gone through a couple of new books. I went through the Traffic Secrets book by Russell Brunson, which just got released. If you want to get a free copy of that, just email me, [email protected], and I’ll send you a link to get a free copy. You just pay shipping on it. I think it was maybe like $7 or $9 for the shipping so well worth it, but the physical book actually shows up at your house and the book is awesome, so that was cool. I read through that and he actually released an updated copy of one of his other books or two of his other books called Dotcom Secrets and Expert Secrets and I read through those new versions as well. So I’ve gotten through at least three books during this quarantine time, while I was doing more business than I’ve ever done before.

I didn’t have a ton of time, but I would say that I’ve been using my I’m wisely as far as business goes. And I’ve been trying to keep a family aspect of things going as well, which has been a little difficult, because I’ve been working so much. And my wife’s been really understanding and supportive about that. So she has been at home and not able to go into her job. So it’s been nice at least to have somebody at home to handle things there while I was just overwhelmed on the other side of things. But what have you taken out of this? What were the things that you got from this time?

This is something that happens to a lot of people when they say you lose your job or you change your career. What happens a lot of times is people get distracted and they get. People use the term overwhelmed and they come up with a lot of different terms to describe what they’re dealing with, but during this pandemic I heard a lot of people saying they were really anxious. They’re stressed about what’s not in the world. I’m sure the news was compounding that to a ridiculous level because that’s what they do. They compound the effects of that. But I’m curious and concerned for everyone. Did everybody take use of the time or did you make excuses for what you did with your time? I didn’t have Netflix and chill days, weeks, months, like I think a lot of people did.

So I’m just concerned if that’s what you did during this time, then I just want to make sure that, did you get anything from what you were watching? If you did, that’s fine. That’s maybe you watched documentaries or you watched things that you learned and that’s great, but what did you take away from everything? Did you learn new skills? What happens to people? They get ample amounts of time. Everybody including myself..

Oh, sorry somebody just decided to walk out in the middle of the street in front of me. People are oblivious during quarantine. Live episodes and no, I’m not going to edit that out.

People around me when they’ve gone on unemployment or they’ve done a job change or heck they were home for quarantine. I found that what happens is people will make excuses, in order for them not to do anything. Now let me explain that a little further.

When the quarantine started, I understand there was a flood of information that hit the market and everyone started to… everybody really started to take all that information in, right? And it was high intensity, high stress kind of information about what was going on and death tolls and all sorts of unsettling things. But what happens is people listen to that and then they take that as a reason not to move forward in life. Like they use that as a reason to not move forward. And I’m not putting anybody down. I’m not saying that people weren’t stressed. I’m definitely not saying that this wasn’t a big deal or that people weren’t dealing with a lot. It’s just the quote unquote anxiety that people were feeling about this pandemic. There were ways to deal with it. I haven’t been to the food store now in two and a half months because I decided that in order to stay safe and feel that my family was safe, then I would need to not be in these public places that were, most likely the worst spots to be in.

So I spent a little more money and I had food delivered to my house, but that was just so that I didn’t have to stress feeling anxious about being out in public and exposed. Now, a lot of people didn’t take that route. They just went about their situations as normal. And then they proceeded to use that as their excuse to stress about the pandemic and being sick and what could possibly happen. So, in my opinion, what that does is it just puts you in a position to have an excuse as to why you’re not just doing the things that you need to do to be ahead in your life. And that’s what I wanted to wrap up with everybody today is I just want everyone to not make excuses for yourselves, just push forward and do what you need to do and see the success that’s going to come from it.

A lot of you are not doing that. I don’t feel it. And I know because I see so many people around me not doing what they need to do in order to get ahead. And then subsequently they actually start to talk to me and somewhat complain a little bit about how they’re not getting where they need to be. And then they want me to, I don’t know, feel empathy or sympathy or something. And I just can’t because I’m pushing a lot harder than normal. Like I do every day I go in and I push harder on a daily basis, and when I don’t see everyone around me doing the same, I get concerned. I am concerned for you. I get concerned for what you’re going to achieve and what’s going to happen for you. So I want the best. I want to see you guys succeed.

I want to see you excel in business and life and financially. The only way you’re going to get there is by really pushing through the hard times when life pushes back, you need to push back even harder. So that’s it for today. I just got into the shop and I’m going to go and start dealing with some things we have going on here, but I hope everyone stays safe, stays busy. And please, please, please take the rest of your time. Learn some new things. Push yourself forward. All right. Matt in the Business Mind podcast. If you like this episode, please go around, share it, take a screenshot of it, put it out in your social media, let everyone know. I really appreciate it. All right, everyone have a great day.